
A curated database of Australian and New Zealand journal articles, reports and policies, books and book chapters and other related publications.

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Developing a tablet computer-based application (‘App’) to measure self-reported alcohol consumption in Indigenous Australians

The challenges of assessing alcohol consumption can be greater in Indigenous communities where there may be culturally distinct approaches to communication, sharing of drinking containers and episodic patterns of drinking. This paper discusses the processes used to develop a tablet computer-based application (‘App’) to collect a detailed assessment of drinking patterns in Indigenous Australians. The key features of the resulting App are described.
  • Publishing Date:

    15 January, 2018

  • Journal Name:

    BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making

  • Authors:

    Kylie Lee, Scott Wilson, Jimmy Perry, Robin Room, Sarah Callinan, Robert Assan, Noel Hayman, Tanya Chikritzhs, Dennis Gray, Edward Wilkes, Peter Jack and Katherine Conigrave.

National FASD Strategic Action Plan 2018–2028

This plan aims to reduce the incidence and impact of FASD in Australia.
  • Publishing Date:

    7 January, 2018

  • Authors:

    Australian Government

‘To drink or not to drink’: media framing of evidence and debate about alcohol consumption in pregnancy

The issue of alcohol consumption during pregnancy has garnered significant attention in Australia. This article examines how news media and parenting websites framed the issue in 2013–2014, focusing on the themes of 'contested evidence and advice' and 'women’s rights.' Public health guidelines recommend avoiding alcohol, but debate continues over the evidence and its impact. The article highlights how media reports on new research, both supporting and disputing the risks, and how the 'women’s rights' frame emphasizes personal choice over scientific advice, reflecting the complex negotiation of public health guidance during pregnancy.
  • Publishing Date:

    19 December, 2017

  • Journal Name:

    Critical Public Health

  • Authors:

    Kerry McCallum, Kate Holland

Online scan of FASD prevention and health promotion resources for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities

Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) includes a range of life-long impairments caused by alcohol exposure in utero. Health professionals are vital to preventing FASD but many are hesitant to discuss FASD with clients due to their need for additional resources to aid the conversation. This scan sought to identify the scope and gaps in publicly available FASD prevention and health promotion resources, and assess their cultural appropriateness for use among five key groups of Indigenous Australian people including: (i) pregnant women, (ii) women of childbearing age, (iii) grandmothers and aunties, (iv) men, and (v) health professionals.
  • Publishing Date:

    14 December, 2017

  • Journal Name:

    Health Promotion Journal of Australia

  • Authors:

    Williams HMPercival NAHewlett NCCassady RBJSilburn SR

Pediatric hospital admissions in Indigenous children: a population-based study in remote Australia

This study published in 2017 analysed hospital admissions of a predominantly Aboriginal cohort of children in the remote Fitzroy Valley in Western Australia during the first 7 years of life.
  • Publishing Date:

    22 November, 2017

  • Journal Name:

    Developmental Neurorehabilitation

  • Authors:

    Dossetor PJ, Martiniuk ALC, Fitzpatrick JP, Oscar J, Carter M, Watkins R, Elliott EJ, Jeffrey HE, Harley D

Australian guide to the diagnosis of FASD: A summary

A summary of the trial and implementation of the diagnostic instrument for FASD in Australia.
  • Publishing Date:

    4 October, 2017

  • Journal Name:

    Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health

  • Authors:

    Carol Bower, Elizabeth J Elliott, Marcel Zimmet, Juanita Doorey, Amanda Wilkins, Vicki Russell, Doug Shelton, James Fitzpatrick, Rochelle Watkins

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Acknowledgement of Country

FASD Hub Australia acknowledges Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the Traditional Custodians of Country throughout Australia, and we recognise their connections to land, water and community. We pay our respect to their elders past and present, and extend that respect to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

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