Personality and coping style

The objective of this study published in 1991 was to determine if personality and coping style are central determinants of drinking and smoking at risk to fetal health during pregnancy

  • Publishing Date:

    April 15, 1992


Page last updated August 31, 2024

FASD NZ birth mothers experiences

The aim of this study published in 2008 was to describe the ‘lived’ experiences of New Zealand birth mothers, from pregnancy onwards, of a child/ren diagnosed with FASD (FASD).

  • Publishing Date:

    September 9, 2009


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Inutero brain damage from alcohol

  • Publishing Date:

    September 16, 2009


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Warning labels NZ

The addition of a warning label on alcohol containers is a policy measure yet to be adopted in New Zealand. The current study published in 2009 aims to report the rating of a national sample of 16-40-year-old non-pregnant New Zealand women on a warning label on alcohol containers as a source of information on risks associated with alcohol consumption in pregnancy. A nationwide, cross-sectional survey was conducted in 2005 on a random sample of 1129 non-pregnant women aged 16-40 years.

  • Publishing Date:

    November 11, 2009


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Maternal alcohol use women in NZ

The study researched alcohol consumption and drinking patterns before and during pregnancy. This was a 1 month self report survey of postnatal women from 21 May-22 June 2006.

  • Publishing Date:

    November 11, 2009


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Opinions of non pregnant NZ women

This study published in 2009 aims to assess the opinions of New Zealand women on the safety of alcohol consumption in pregnancy and the sociodemographic and lifestyle factors associated with these opinions.

  • Publishing Date:

    March 10, 2010


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Alcohol and pregnancy practical guide

  • Publishing Date:

    September 8, 2010


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Post partum survey of NZ women

A retrospective survey of 723 post-partum women resident in maternity wards located across New Zealand was conducted using a self-administered questionnaire. Maternal sociodemographic and obstetric characteristics and alcohol intake before and after pregnancy recognition were assessed. This article was published in 2013.

  • Publishing Date:

    January 9, 2013


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Pregnancy intention

This study published in 2013 aimed to determine the prevalence of unintended pregnancy in women presenting for antenatal care to a large metropolitan hospital in Sydney, Australia, and to investigate health behaviours and demographic factors associated with unintended pregnancy

  • Publishing Date:

    May 15, 2013


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Building a community of care

  • Publishing Date:

    September 11, 2013


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Prevalence and correlates of drinking

There is a dearth of studies reporting on patterns and correlates of drinking in early pregnancy prior to stopping on pregnancy recognition, which the current study aims to address. In 2005, a New Zealand nationwide cross-sectional survey was conducted on a random sample of 1,256 women aged 16-40 years. This article was published in 2013.

  • Publishing Date:

    September 12, 2013


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Factors influencing women’s decisions

This study published in 2014 presents findings on women’s deliberations over drinking alcohol during pregnancy, particularly their emotional dimensions, to inform debates about public health messages and practitioner-patient discussions regarding alcohol use during pregnancy

  • Publishing Date:

    July 23, 2014


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The hidden harm: Alcohol’s impact on children and families

Excessive drinking is linked to negative outcomes in families. From modelling of poor drinking behaviours, family arguments and disrupted family occasions, relationships child injuries, ongoing child neglect and abuse, and domestic violence.

  • Publishing Date:

    February 1, 2015


Page last updated August 31, 2024

The Preventable Disability

This report summarises the prevalence, social and economical impacts, management and prevention of FASD. It also reports on alcohol consumption and policy context within the Northern Territory.

  • Publishing Date:

    February 25, 2015


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Paternal involvement in alcohol exposure during pre-conception and pregnancy

This overview of alcohol exposure and FASD provides nursing and midwifery professions with fundamental information about the condition.

  • Publishing Date:

    May 1, 2015


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Mental and behavioural disorders

This study published in 2014 linked birth and hospital records in NSW, Australia. Subjects included primiparous mothers admitted to hospital for MBD due to use of alcohol, opioids or cannabinoids during peri-conception and pregnancy

  • Publishing Date:

    May 20, 2015


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Women aren’t following advice to stop drinking when pregnant

This article highlights the fact that around 40% of Australian women drink while pregnant and 10% reported binge drinking. The authors conclude that advice about drinking and messages about the risk of FASD are not getting through to women in Australia.

  • Publishing Date:

    July 7, 2015


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Maternity-care: measuring women’s perceptions

The purpose of this paper is to outline the development of an instrument to assess women’s perception of their entire maternity-care experience. The scales produced from this research offer a means to assess maternity care across the full continuum of care and are brief and easy to use.

  • Publishing Date:

    February 8, 2016


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Predictors of postnatal mother-infant bonding: the role of antenatal bonding, maternal substance use and mental health

This study aimed to examine the extent to which mother-fetal bonding, substance use and mental health through pregnancy predicted postnatal mother-infant bonding.

  • Publishing Date:

    February 11, 2016


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Impairment of motor skills in children with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders in remote Australia: The Lililwan Project

This study investigated the relationship between motor skills, FASD and prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) in the Fitzroy Valley.

  • Publishing Date:

    February 16, 2016


Page last updated August 31, 2024

FASDs, Expert Evidence and the Unreliability of Admissions during Police Interviews

Case commentary from 2016. It has been recognised for over a decade that FASDs (FASDs), if not identified, can result in miscarriages of justice by reason of profoundly reducing the culpability, and on occasion even the responsibility, of criminal offenders. The potential for such disorders to result in the unreliability of admissions and confessions to police (which may be vital pieces of evidence against accused persons) had also been recognised in principle. However, the decision of the Privy Council in Pora v The Queen [2015] UKPC 9 provides an authoritative legal precedent for recognition of the fact that questioning by police has the potential to yield unreliable and confabulated confessions from persons with FASDs.

  • Publishing Date:

    February 24, 2016


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Alcohol Policy

This policy document provides a comprehensive overview of the significant and varied harms
associated with alcohol, while making recommendations for addressing these harms. It highlights that a comprehensive, multifaceted approach to reducing alcohol-related harm is required.

  • Publishing Date:

    February 29, 2016


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Prenatal Alcohol Exposure, FASD, and Child Behavior: A Meta-analysis

This review summarises the behaviours of children with FASD and/or prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE), assessed using the commonly-used Child Behavior Checklist, Teacher Report Form, or Youth Self-Report Form. This review of 23 studies reported that FASD and PAE are associated with problematic behaviour in many, but not all, functional brain domains.

  • Publishing Date:

    March 1, 2016


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Soft neurological signs and prenatal alcohol exposure: a population-based study in remote Australia

This study explored the relationship between gross motor skills, FASD and prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) in Australian Aboriginal children.

  • Publishing Date:

    March 15, 2016


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Review of the Criminal Law (Mentally Impaired Accused) Act 1996

This is a review of the laws in Western Australia which deal with accused who have been found by a court to be mentally unfit to stand trial.

  • Publishing Date:

    April 1, 2016


Page last updated August 31, 2024

FactCheck Q&A: does Australia have some of the highest rates per capita of fetal alcohol syndrome in the world?

Sharman’s Stone’s statement is broadly correct. Based on current – albeit scarce – global data, results from the Lililwan project in Fitzroy Crossing reveal among the highest rates per capita of FAS or FASD in the world. However, it is important to note this is a study of a high risk population and cannot be used to make generalisations about Australia as a whole.

  • Publishing Date:

    April 18, 2016


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders: Using Knowledge, Attitudes and Practice of Justice Professionals to Support Their Educational Needs

This project aimed to find out what WA justice professionals knew about FASD, how it impacted on their work and what information and resources would help them.

  • Publishing Date:

    April 22, 2016


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Visual-motor integration, visual perception, and fine motor coordination in a population of children with high levels of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder

This study investigated deficits in visual-motor integration skills among Australian Aboriginal children with FASD or prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) living in remote areas. Visual-motor integration is the ability to coordinate vision and hand movement to accurately copy complex shapes, which is an important skill for handwriting and other school tasks. Many children in the study had poor visual-motor integration, but more children with FASD had problems with VMI than children without PAE. Children with FASD had additional problems with fine motor coordination.

  • Publishing Date:

    May 23, 2016


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Mechanisms of influence: Alcohol industry submissions to the inquiry into fetal alcohol spectrum disorders

This study examined all alcohol industry submissions to an Australian Government inquiry into FASD,to assist in understanding how those with vested interests contribute to policy development. The authors concluded that the alcohol industry sought to undermine community concern, debate the evidence, promote ineffective measures and attack independent health professionals and researchers.

  • Publishing Date:

    June 1, 2016


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Sympathy, shame, and few solutions: News media portrayals of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders

This study explored media coverage related to alcohol use during pregnancy and FASD with the aim of identifying ways to improve associated health messages. Researchers identified two frames for media coverage of FASD: sympathy and shame. The authors concluded that media portrayals that encourage women to refrain from alcohol consumption during pregnancy might be more useful than stigmatising and isolating those who do.

  • Publishing Date:

    June 4, 2016


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Study protocol for screening and diagnosis of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) among young people sentenced to detention in Western Australia

This study aims to establish the prevalence of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) among sentenced young people in detention in Western Australia (WA). By identifying the rate of FASD within this population, the study seeks to develop a screening tool that can be utilized for young people entering detention. The translation of these findings will play a crucial role in guiding the management and support of young individuals with FASD in the detention system. Ultimately, the results of this study are expected to have significant implications for the lives of these young people and the future of Australian youth justice services, improving both individual outcomes and systemic responses.

  • Publishing Date:

    June 22, 2016


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Gross motor performance in children prenatally exposed to alcohol and living in remote Australia

This review investigated the effectiveness of interventions to improve gross motor skills in children with mild to moderate movement disorders.

  • Publishing Date:

    July 20, 2016


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Neuropsychological Aspects of Prevention and Intervention for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders in Australia

A multidisciplinary model in the implementation of FASD prevention, diagnosis and therapy approaches is considered best practice. A key challenge for Australian clinicians, policy makers and researchers is to collaborate on a coordinated, national response to FASD that is data-driven and aligned with international guidelines and study protocols.

  • Publishing Date:

    August 1, 2016


Page last updated August 31, 2024

“Did you ever drink more?” A detailed description of pregnant women’s drinking patterns

This paper presents drinking patterns in a group of 1570 pregnant women. The study identified characteristics of pregnant women who either abstain, drink until pregnancy awareness or drink throughout pregnancy.

  • Publishing Date:

    August 2, 2016


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Australian Medical Association position paper

This position paper outlines the prevalence, prevention, diagnosis, treatment and support of FASD. It proposes 10 recommendations to improve these areas, as well as the overall awareness of FASD in Australia.

  • Publishing Date:

    August 23, 2016


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Graphomotor skills in children with prenatal alcohol exposure and fetal alcohol spectrum disorder: A population-based study in remote Australia

Handwriting and drawing (graphomotor) skills were assessed in Australian Aboriginal children with FASD and prenatal exposure to alcohol (PAE) in remote Western Australia. Graphomotor skills were poor and children with FASD performed significantly worse than children without PAE.

  • Publishing Date:

    September 19, 2016


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander experience of law enforcement and justice services

This is a report by the Australian Government into a range of issues associated with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander experience of law enforcement and justices services.

  • Publishing Date:

    October 13, 2016


Page last updated August 31, 2024

FASD: From Isolation to Inclusion in Australian Schools (2016)

PhD thesis by Dee Basaraba (Deakin University) which examines the classroom practices required to educate Australian children and young people with FASD.

  • Publishing Date:

    November 9, 2016


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Indefinite detention of people with cognitive and psychiatric impairment in Australia

Australian Government report into the aspects of indefinite detention of people with a cognitive and/or psychiatric impairment.

  • Publishing Date:

    November 29, 2016


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Interventions to improve gross motor performance in children with neurodevelopmental disorders: a meta-analysis

This review investigated the effectiveness of interventions to improve gross motor skills in children with mild to moderate movement disorders.

  • Publishing Date:

    November 29, 2016


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Perinatal maternal alcohol consumption and methylation of the dopamine receptor DRD4 in the offspring: the Triple B study

This study investigated underlying molecular mechanisms associated with FASD and adverse health outcomes.

  • Publishing Date:

    December 7, 2016


Page last updated August 31, 2024

The development of a culturally appropriate school based intervention for Australian Aboriginal children living in remote communities: A formative evaluation of the Alert Program® intervention

This study describes the development of a pilot school-based Alert Program targeted to assist self-regulation in Aboriginal children affected by FASD.

  • Publishing Date:

    December 13, 2016


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Prenatal Alcohol Consumption Between Conception and Recognition of Pregnancy

The purpose of this study was to examine prevalence and predictors of alcohol consumption by women prior to awareness of their pregnancy, and trajectories of change to alcohol use following pregnancy recognition.

In this sample of relatively high SES women, most women ceased or reduced drinking once aware of their pregnancy. However, the rate of alcohol-exposed pregnancies was higher than previous estimates when the period prior to pregnancy recognition was taken into account.

  • Publishing Date:

    January 24, 2017


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Online scan of FASD prevention and health promotion resources for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities

  • Publishing Date:

    January 31, 2017


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Alcohol consumption by breastfeeding mothers: Frequency, correlates and infant outcomes

This study examined the frequency, correlates and outcomes of alcohol use during breastfeeding.

Data were from an Australian cohort study. Results showed alcohol use was reported by 60.7% and 69.6% of breastfeeding women at 8 weeks and 12 months postpartum, respectively. Breastfeeding women who consumed alcohol were more likely to be born in Australia or another English-speaking country, be tertiary educated and have higher household incomes. Most drank at low levels (<=14 standard drinks per week, <3 per occasion) and employed strategies (e.g. timing of alcohol use) to minimise alcohol passed onto infants via breastmilk. The authors concluded that low level drinking during breastfeeding is not linked with shorter breastfeeding duration or adverse outcomes in infants up to 12 months of age.

  • Publishing Date:

    March 13, 2017


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Profile of children diagnosed with a fetal alcohol spectrum disorder: A retrospective chart review

The aim of the current study was to report on the diagnostic profile of a group of children who attended the service, to document the extent to which there were comorbid diagnoses and to provide information on the neurocognitive functioning of the children. The current study demonstrates that with the relevant training and expertise, assessment and diagnosis of FASD can be embedded within the existing health services available in Australia.

  • Publishing Date:

    March 23, 2017


Page last updated August 31, 2024

A qualitative evaluation of caregivers’ experiences, understanding and outcomes following diagnosis of FASD

The first diagnostic centre for FASD in Australia was set up in 2012 involving a range of health professionals providing a multi-disciplinary service. This article outlines the experience of diagnosis from the perspectives of caregivers of children with FASD.

  • Publishing Date:

    April 1, 2017


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Zika prep confirms microcephaly and FASD link

This 25-year study into the baseline rate of microcephaly in Australia confirmed an important link with FASD. It was reported in the Western Australian population that there was a microcephaly prevalence of 1 in 1830 births and the most frequent cause was FASD, particularly in Aboriginal births.

  • Publishing Date:

    May 1, 2017


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Prevalence of microcephaly in an Australian population-based birth defects register, 1980–2015

This study set out to describe the prevalence (how many) and characteristics of microcephaly in a geographically defined Australian population. The authors identified a high proportion of cases without known cause, highlighting the need for clinicians to carefully investigate all possibilities, including emerging infections. FASD is an important cause of microcephaly in the Aboriginal population.

  • Publishing Date:

    May 1, 2017


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Maternal alcohol use disorder and child school attendance outcomes for nonIndigenous and Indigenous children in Western Australia: a population cohort record linkage study

This study examined the relationship between maternal alcohol use disorder and child school attendance in Western Australia. Maternal alcohol use disorder was significantly associated with poor attendance for both non-Indigenous and Indigenous children. However, there was no significant difference between timing of diagnosis and poor school attendance.

  • Publishing Date:

    May 1, 2017


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Prevalence and profile of neurodevelopment and FASD amongst Australian Aboriginal Children living in remote communities

This study assesses neurodevelopmental outcomes in a population of Australian Aboriginal children with and without prenatal alcohol exposure.

  • Publishing Date:

    May 9, 2017


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Maternal alcohol disorders and school achievement: a population cohort record linkage study in Western Australia

This study examines school achievement in children of Indigenous and non-Indigenous mothers with an alcohol-related diagnosis…

  • Publishing Date:

    May 9, 2017


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Association Between Prenatal Alcohol Exposure and Craniofacial Shape of Children at 12 Months of Age

Investigation of 3D facial images of one year old children with prenatal alcohol exposure. Shows subtle facial differences in children with alcohol exposure, even at low levels, when compared to children of abstinent mothers. Important message of biological effect of ethanol.

  • Publishing Date:

    August 1, 2017


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Prenatal alcohol exposure: No safe amount

Prenatal alcohol exposure is important for every mother to consider.
What women need to know:
If you are pregnant, or trying to get pregnant, no amount of alcohol use is safe.
All types of alcohol – inlcuding wine, beer, and hard liquor – have similar risks for your baby.
When a pregnant women drinks so does her baby.

  • Publishing Date:

    August 1, 2017


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Maternal Alcohol Use Disorder and Risk of Child Contactwith the Justice System in Western Australia: A PopulationCohort Record Linkage Study

This study linked children of mothers who had an alcohol related disorder to their risk of having contact with the justice system in Western Australia.

  • Publishing Date:

    August 1, 2017


Page last updated August 31, 2024

New Opportunities for Evidence in Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder

This commentary pertains to a study looking at objective 3-dimensional facial imaging and differences between the facial shape of individuals with FAS and individuals without FAS or partial FAS, as well as those with heavy prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) but without a diagnosis of FAS or partial FAS. The results of this study, with its more precise and objective measures of dose, frequency, and timing of PAE, especially if confirmed by others and in larger samples, will continue the journey toward more robust evidence for informing health policy.

  • Publishing Date:

    August 1, 2017


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Assessment and Evaluation of FASD (FASD) and its Potential Relevance for Sentencing: A Clarion Call from Western Australia

Case commentary from 2017. LCM was a child of 15 whose diagnosis of FASD was not made prior to his being sentenced for manslaughter. The diagnosis arrived at by a multidisciplinary team shortly before his appeal to the Western Australian Court of Appeal in LCM v The State of Western Australia [2016] WASCA 164 resulted in a significant reduction in his sentence.

  • Publishing Date:

    August 2, 2017


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Behavior in Children with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders in Remote Australia: A Population-Based Study

This study demonstrates that children with FASD have more teacher-reported behavioral impairment than children without FASD. In remote Australian communities, academic performance is poor.

  • Publishing Date:

    September 1, 2017


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Digital assessment of the fetal alcohol syndrome facial phenotype: reliability and agreement study

This study used the Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) Facial Photographic Analysis Software to assess the three sentinel facial features of FAS in a cohort of Australian Aboriginal children from 2D photographs. Results indicated that this assessment method had substantial inter- and intra-rater reliability; and that the African American Lip-Philtrum Guide 2 and Caucasian (Stromland) PFL norms provide the best fit for assessment of Australian Aboriginal children.

  • Publishing Date:

    September 11, 2017


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Maternal alcohol use disorder and subsequent child protection contact: A record-linkage population cohort study

This study examined the relationship between a maternal alcohol use diagnosis, the timing of diagnosis, and child protection outcomes in Western Australia. Results showed children of women who were diagnosed were at increased risk of a substantiated child protection allegation and entry into out-of-home care. The highest risk of child protection contact was associated with diagnosis received during pregnancy, and in the years immediately pre- and post-pregnancy.

  • Publishing Date:

    October 1, 2017


Page last updated August 31, 2024

The Marulu Strategy 2008-2012: overcoming Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) in the Fitzroy Valley

This report outlines the development and implementation of the Marulu Strategy in the Fitzroy Valley in Western Australia.

  • Publishing Date:

    October 1, 2017


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Australian guide to the diagnosis of foetal alcohol spectrum disorder: A summary

A summary of the trial and implementation of the diagnostic instrument for FASD in Australia.

  • Publishing Date:

    October 4, 2017


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Paediatric hospital admissions

This study published in 2017 analysed hospital admissions of a predominantly Aboriginal cohort of children in the remote Fitzroy Valley in Western Australia during the first 7 years of life.

  • Publishing Date:

    November 21, 2017


Page last updated August 31, 2024

‘To drink or not to drink’: media framing of evidence and debate about alcohol consumption in pregnancy

The issue of alcohol consumption during pregnancy has garnered significant attention in Australia. This article examines how news media and parenting websites framed the issue in 2013–2014, focusing on the themes of ‘contested evidence and advice’ and ‘women’s rights.’ Public health guidelines recommend avoiding alcohol, but debate continues over the evidence and its impact. The article highlights how media reports on new research, both supporting and disputing the risks, and how the ‘women’s rights’ frame emphasizes personal choice over scientific advice, reflecting the complex negotiation of public health guidance during pregnancy.

  • Publishing Date:

    December 19, 2017


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Developing a tablet computer-based application (‘App’) to measure self-reported alcohol consumption in Indigenous Australians

The challenges of assessing alcohol consumption can be greater in Indigenous communities where there may be culturally distinct approaches to communication, sharing of drinking containers and episodic patterns of drinking. This paper discusses the processes used to develop a tablet computer-based application (‘App’) to collect a detailed assessment of drinking patterns in Indigenous Australians. The key features of the resulting App are described.

  • Publishing Date:

    January 15, 2018


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Cohort Profile: The Triple B Pregnancy Cohort Study: A longitudinal study of the relationship between alcohol, tobacco and other substance use during pregnancy and the health and well-being of Australian children and families

The Triple B Pregnancy Cohort Study investigates the effects of parental alcohol, tobacco and other substance use on infant development and family functioning.

  • Publishing Date:

    February 1, 2018


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder and youth justice: a prevalence study among young people sentenced to detention in Western Australia

This study aimed to estimate the prevalence of FASD among young people in youth detention in Western Australia. A multidisciplinary assessment of 99 young people (10 – 17 years and 11 months) found 89% of young people had at least one domain of severe neurological impairment and 36% were diagnosed with FASD. The findings highlight the vulnerability of young people, particularly Aboriginal youth, within the justice system.

  • Publishing Date:

    February 13, 2018


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Maternal and partner prenatal alcohol use and infant cognitive development

Teratogenicity of heavy prenatal alcohol exposure is established, but uncertainty remains regarding the impact of moderate alcohol exposure on cognitive deficits in infants. Separating in utero effects from environmental confounding is a challenge for observational studies; consideration of alcohol use by partners as well as mothers may help clarify this. This study examined associations between prenatal alcohol use by both mothers and their partners and infant cognitive developmental outcomes at 12-months.

  • Publishing Date:

    February 23, 2018


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Assessing motor skills to inform a Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder diagnosis focusing on persons older than 12 years: A systematic review of the literature

This review aimed to examine the extent and common types of motor impairment present in persons aged over 12 years prenatally exposed to alcohol as evidence for determining the skills that should be assessed and addressed in intervention.
Researchers found some evidence that difficulties with fine motor skills, visual motor integration, and balance skills persist in people who have been prenatally exposed to alcohol. However, most studies did not focus on adolescent or adult participants in isolation, making it difficult to generalize results. It was concluded that a review of functional difficulties in each individual would be required to determine if a motor assessment is warranted.

  • Publishing Date:

    March 1, 2018


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Benefits of Caseload Midwifery to Prevent Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder: A Discussion Paper

This paper provides an overview of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder and discusses the role of caseload midwifery as part of a multi-level prevention approach.

  • Publishing Date:

    March 27, 2018


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Obstetric and perinatal outcomes in pregnancies with isolated foetal congenital heart abnormalities

This was a retrospective cohort study of women that delivered an infant with an isolated major CHD between January 2010 and April 2017 at a major Australian perinatal centre. The study cohort was compared with a cohort of women with infants without CHD. Cardiac abnormalities were broadly subdivided into the following five categories using the International Classification of Diseases Tenth Revision (ICD-10) as a guide – transposition of the great arteries (TGA), septal defects, right heart lesions (RHL), left heart lesions (LHL), and “other”. Demographic characteristics and obstetric, intrapartum, and perinatal outcomes were compared between the two cohorts.

  • Publishing Date:

    April 3, 2018


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Physiological self-regulation and mindfulness in children with a diagnosis of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder

The objective of this study was to explore the differences in baseline respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA) between children with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) and typically developing children (TDC) and to investigate whether children with FASD have the capacity to engage in a brief mindfulness exercise.

  • Publishing Date:

    April 10, 2018


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Applying a Developmental Framework to the Self-Regulatory Difficulties of Young Children with Prenatal Alcohol Exposure: A Review

Prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) is often linked to significant challenges in self-regulation. Interventions aimed at improving self-regulation in this population have been developed, but further progress could be achieved through the application of a multilevel theoretical framework that describes the development of self-regulation in early childhood. This framework could clarify the mechanisms underlying early adjustment problems in children with PAE and guide the creation of more targeted assessments and interventions. This review aims to: (1) provide an overview of the self-regulatory framework proposed by Calkins and colleagues, (2) examine common self-regulatory difficulties in children with PAE during infancy and early childhood within this developmental context, and (3) explore how the framework can enhance future assessment and intervention efforts for young children affected by PAE. Applying this developmental framework offers a systematic and theory-based approach to improving outcomes for young children with PAE.

  • Publishing Date:

    April 19, 2018


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD): Knowledge, attitudes, experiences and practices of the Western Australian youth custodial workforce

This study aims to establish the current knowledge, attitudes, experiences and practices regarding FASD and other neurodevelopmental impairments among youth custodial officers in order to develop training resources for this workforce.

  • Publishing Date:

    June 12, 2018


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Effect of Choline Supplementation on Neurological, Cognitive, and Behavioral Outcomes in Offspring Arising from Alcohol Exposure During Development: A Quantitative Systematic Review of Clinical and Preclinical Studies

Prenatal alcohol exposure leads to cognitive, behavioral, and neurological deficits in offspring, highlighting the urgent need for effective treatments. Maternal choline supplementation has emerged as a potential intervention. This review examined preclinical and clinical studies on choline supplementation in cases of fetal alcohol exposure to assess its effectiveness. A systematic search of six electronic databases identified 22 relevant studies (including randomized controlled trials, prospective cohort studies, and preclinical research). Choline’s success in preventing deficits varied depending on the timing of intervention relative to alcohol exposure. While preclinical studies showed significant improvements across various outcomes, only one clinical study demonstrated benefits in infants’ information processing. The findings suggest that choline supplementation may help mitigate deficits caused by prenatal alcohol exposure, particularly in preclinical models. However, further clinical trials are needed to evaluate its broader effectiveness in children.

  • Publishing Date:

    June 21, 2018


Page last updated August 31, 2024

The provision of alcohol and breastfeeding information by maternal health practitioners in the Australian setting

In the 2009 National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) Australian Guidelines to Reduce Health Risks from Drinking, a guideline specific to lactating women was included. For the first time the effect of alcohol at this important developmental stage was nationally and internationally acknowledged. To determine the degree to which maternal health practitioners adopted an Australian national policy guideline (Guideline 4B) on alcohol and breastfeeding into their everyday health practice and the factors associated with adoption. A convenience sample of participants completed an online survey based on the Nursing Practice Questionnaire (NPQ) to elicit measures of knowledge, awareness and practice implementation.

  • Publishing Date:

    June 21, 2018


Page last updated August 31, 2024

FASD in Australia

A new Commonwealth FASD Strategy (2018–2028) is being developed and the Australian Government has announced significant funding for the expansion of FASD prevention, diagnostic and intervention services around Australia. Therefore, it is timely to consider what the current state of affairs regarding FASD in Australia is and describe areas for future research and service delivery. This review was published in 2020

  • Publishing Date:

    August 8, 2018


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder in Australia: What is the current state of affairs?

Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) encompasses a range of difficulties caused by prenatal alcohol exposure. It is a significant but under-recognized and under-diagnosed public health issue in Australia. With the development of a new Commonwealth FASD Strategy (2018–2028) and substantial government funding for prevention, diagnosis, and intervention, it is crucial to review the current state of FASD in Australia and identify areas for future research and service improvements.

  • Publishing Date:

    August 15, 2018


Page last updated August 31, 2024

A practice change intervention to improve antenatal care addressing alcohol consumption by women during pregnancy: research protocol for a randomised stepped-wedge cluster trial

The aim of this study is to examine the effectiveness, cost and cost-effectiveness of a multi-strategy practice change intervention in increasing antenatal care addressing the consumption of alcohol by pregnant women.

  • Publishing Date:

    August 20, 2018


Page last updated August 31, 2024

When your disability doesn’t fit: ending discrimination against people with FASD in New South Wales law and policy

Gilbert + Tobin aims to prompt governments to develop a more inclusive definition of cognitive impairment (including FASD) for use in law and policy. The policy document was launched by Ms June Oscar AO Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner and Chief Justice Wayne Martin AC.

  • Publishing Date:

    August 30, 2018


Page last updated August 31, 2024

National guide to a preventive health assessment for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people

The National Guide is a practical resource intended for all health professionals delivering primary healthcare to Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people. Its purpose is to provide GPs and other health professionals with an accessible, user-friendly guide to best practice preventive healthcare for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander patients.

  • Publishing Date:

    September 1, 2018


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Reducing harms related to alcohol use in pregnancy: Policy and practice recommendations

This policy issues brief outlines the key issues contributing to high rates of alcohol use in pregnancy. It also reviews current policies related to alcohol consumption in pregnancy and FASD. It provides policy and practise recommendations to prevent alcohol consumption in pregnancy.

  • Publishing Date:

    September 26, 2018


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Responding to fetal alcohol spectrum disorder in Australia

Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) is a major public health issue in Australia, often underdiagnosed and costly. It results from prenatal alcohol exposure and can lead to broad brain injury, but its prevalence in the general population remains unclear. In high-risk groups, Australian studies have found some of the highest FASD rates globally. A common misconception is that a child must have distinct facial features to be diagnosed with FASD; however, these features are present in only a minority of cases. FASD should be viewed as a ‘whole body’ disorder, as it is linked to increased health risks later in life. Clinicians may avoid diagnosing FASD due to stigma concerns, though evidence does not support this. The Australian Guide to the Diagnosis of FASD can help health professionals provide accurate diagnoses, leading to better outcomes through evidence-based interventions and prevention.

  • Publishing Date:

    October 7, 2018


Page last updated August 31, 2024

A systematic review of prevention interventions to reduce prenatal alcohol exposure and fetal alcohol spectrum disorder in indigenous communities

Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) is a preventable neurodevelopmental disorder caused by prenatal alcohol exposure, significantly affecting Indigenous communities worldwide. Despite numerous prevention interventions, their effectiveness has not been thoroughly evaluated. This systematic review updates the evidence on FASD prevention in Indigenous populations globally, including North America and New Zealand, and provides recommendations for future research.

  • Publishing Date:

    November 3, 2018


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Language diversity, language disorder, and fetal alcohol spectrum disorder among youth sentenced to detention in Western Australia

This study examined the language skills of 98 young people sentenced to detention in Western Australia (WA), who participated in a cross-sectional study examining the prevalence of FASD. Language skills assessed using standardised and non-standardised tasks were analysed by the three major language groups identified: speakers of SAE, Aboriginal English and English as an additional language.

  • Publishing Date:

    November 10, 2018


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Challenges in Accurately Assessing Prenatal Alcohol Exposure in a Study of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder in a Youth Detention Center

Prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) can lead to permanent disabilities, including physical, neurodevelopmental, and cognitive impairments, collectively known as fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD). Individuals with FASD are at higher risk of legal issues, including detention. A FASD prevalence study in Western Australia included young people sentenced to detention. Diagnosing FASD requires a multidisciplinary assessment and confirmation of maternal alcohol consumption during pregnancy, which posed significant challenges in accurately assessing PAE for study participants.

  • Publishing Date:

    November 14, 2018


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West Australian Alcohol and Drug Interagency Strategy 2018-2022

The Western Australian Alcohol and Drug Interagency Strategy 2018-2022 provides a guide for government and non-government organisations as well as the wider community to prevent and reduce the adverse impacts of alcohol and other drug use in Western Australia. It references FASD.

  • Publishing Date:

    December 17, 2018


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Adverse reproductive outcomes

We used a systematic review approach to locate all clinical and preclinical studies across a broad range of health outcomes in offspring exposed to prenatal alcohol. Our search encompassed four databases (PubMed, CINAHL, EMBASE and Web of Science) and titles/abstracts from retrieved studies were screened against strict inclusion/exclusion criteria. Published in 2019

  • Publishing Date:

    December 31, 2018


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Maternal alcohol consumption during pregnancy and its association with offspring renal function at 30 years: Observation from a birth cohort study

Prenatal exposure to alcohol has adverse ramifications on foetal development resulting in developmental abnormalities and major congenital anomalies. Experimental studies have documented effects on kidney structure and function among offspring exposed to alcohol during foetal life; however, human evidence is scarce. The study aimed to determine the development of CKD among a cohort of 30-year-old Australian offspring whose mothers reported consumption of alcohol during pregnancy. The study sample comprised 1626 offspring of the Australia cohort study (MUSP) whose serum creatinine was assessed at 30 years of age and CKD was categorized from stage 1 to stage 5 based on their level of eGFR following the CKD-EPI definition.

  • Publishing Date:

    January 1, 2019


Page last updated August 31, 2024

The picture talk project: Aboriginal community input on consent for research

The consent and community engagement process for research with Indigenous communities is rarely evaluated. Research protocols are not always collaborative, inclusive or culturally respectful. If participants do not trust or understand the research, selection bias may occur in recruitment, affecting study results potentially denying participants the opportunity to provide more knowledge and greater understanding about their community. Poorly informed consent can also harm the individual participant and the community as a whole.

  • Publishing Date:

    January 29, 2019


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Illawarra Born cross-generational health study: feasibility of a multi-generational birth cohort study

The purpose of this paper is to report on the feasibility and acceptability of the research protocol for a collaborative cross-generation health study in the community and test recruitment and outcome measures for the main study. This feasibility study included pregnant women who were intending to give birth in the Illawarra-Shoalhaven region in Eastern Australia. The area includes a large, regional referral hospital, with capacity to treat specialist and complex cases. Pregnant women were asked to participate in five data collection waves beginning at 22 weeks gestation and ending with a 6-month post-partum appointment. Recruitment was then extended, via the pregnant women, to also include fathers and maternal grandmothers.

  • Publishing Date:

    February 1, 2019


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Women’s experiences of messages relating to alcohol consumption, received during their first antenatal care visit: An interpretative phenomenological analysis

To explore and interpret the messages women receive during their first antenatal care visit, relating to alcohol consumption.

  • Publishing Date:

    March 1, 2019


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Understanding contraceptive behaviour

The combined behaviours of alcohol consumption and ineffective or non-use of contraception could place sexually active individuals of reproductive age at risk of unintended alcohol-exposed pregnancy. The first aim of this study published in 2019 was to assess levels of contraceptive use in a sample of university students who reported using alcohol. The second aim was to assess knowledge of contraception, reproduction, risks of alcohol use while pregnant, and attitudes regarding contraception compared with reported contraceptive use behaviour.

  • Publishing Date:

    April 10, 2019


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Adverse Health Outcomes in Offspring Associated With Fetal Alcohol Exposure: A Systematic Review of Clinical and Preclinical Studies With a Focus on Metabolic and Body Composition Outcomes

  • Publishing Date:

    May 7, 2019


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Periconceptional alcohol exposure

The current study published in 2019 characterises the impact on blastocyst, uterine and placental outcomes in a rat model of periconceptional alcohol exposure, in which 12.5% ethanol is administered in a liquid diet from 4 days before until 4 days after conception.

  • Publishing Date:

    June 12, 2019


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Low-moderate PAE and ADHD

The purpose of this study published in 2019 was to evaluate the available evidence on the association between low-to-moderate prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) and the development of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) symptoms in the offspring.

  • Publishing Date:

    June 20, 2019


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Has a national policy guideline influenced the practice of raising the topic of alcohol and breastfeeding by maternal healthcare practitioners?

Globally, the public health recommendation for exclusive breastfeeding to the first 6 months of life is not being achieved by many low- and middle-income countries. Many factors have been determined to affect the early cessation of breastfeeding; however, little attention has been paid to the role of alcohol, an increasingly favoured commodity, particularly in these Westernised nations. Maternal healthcare practitioners play a pivotal role in a woman’s breastfeeding journey by providing timely advice that can help support continued breastfeeding. Maternal healthcare practitioners (MHP) from across Australia were invited to take part in a semi-structured telephone interview (n = 19) to elicit their knowledge of a national alcohol policy guideline on alcohol and breastfeeding, their confidence to provide information on this topic, and if they were routinely incorporating conversations on alcohol and breastfeeding into their practice. The results affirmed that the majority of MHP were not aware of the national policy providing direction for safely consuming alcohol during lactation and were not incorporating this information into their practice. This study suggests having a national policy guideline for safe alcohol consumption during lactation has not promoted awareness of this topic among MHP as a potential strategy to support long-term breastfeeding duration.

  • Publishing Date:

    June 21, 2019


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PAE and hypertension

This invited “Comment” piece in 2019 accompanied a landmark paper by Cook and colleagues (Alcohol Clin Exp Res. 2019 Aug;43(8):1727-1733. doi: 10.1111/acer.14121) which was the first study to demonstrate an association between hypertension and children and adolescents with a FASD. The authors highlight that although animals studies had demonstrated an association between prenatal alcohol exposure and high blood pressure, similar data was lacking in cohorts of people with a FASD diagnosis.

  • Publishing Date:

    June 25, 2019


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Interventions for improving executive function

To be included in this review published in 2019, the study must use a structured psychological intervention that aims to improve or change EF in children using either (a) a face‐to‐face format, (b) computerized format, or (c) both. Interventions must be delivered using (a) individual or (b) group format. Finally, interventions will be considered eligible if they are administered either (a) directly to children (e.g., working memory training) or (b) to children and caregivers/families.

  • Publishing Date:

    July 25, 2019


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A fetal alcohol spectrum disorder diagnostic service and beyond: Outcomes for families

Thestudy aimed to explore the lived experiences of Australian caregivers who received a FASD diagnosis for a child in their care, usingthe Australian Guide to the Diagnosis of FASD.

  • Publishing Date:

    July 26, 2019


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Overcoming the challenges of caring for a child

The article underscores the potential of telehealth to bridge gaps in healthcare access for rural and remote populations, highlighting both its benefits and limitations.

  • Publishing Date:

    August 2, 2019


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Can Fetal Alcohol Exposure Increase the Risk of Hypertension? A New Study in Children and Adolescents Diagnosed With Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Suggests It Can

  • Publishing Date:

    August 12, 2019


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‘He Has Problems; He Is Not the Problem . . .’ A Qualitative Study of Non-Custodial Staff Providing Services for Young Offenders Assessed for Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder in an Australian Youth Detention Centre

This study addresses the limited understanding of the challenges faced by non-custodial youth detention center staff in supporting young people with foetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD). A qualitative inquiry was conducted to explore and describe the perspectives of non-custodial staff regarding the value of an FASD prevalence study. Data were gathered through semi-structured interviews and focus groups and analyzed using thematic network analysis. While staff expressed few concerns about the prevalence study itself or its impact on participating youth, several barriers were identified related to the study’s processes, as well as practices and culture within their workplace. These barriers hindered the ability to fully benefit from the research and its findings.

  • Publishing Date:

    August 28, 2019


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Outcomes and needs of health and education professionals following fetal alcohol spectrum disorder-specific training

Understanding professionals’ views and needs can help advance service provision and improve future training opportunities, Therefore, the current study examined the experiences of Australian and New Zealand professionals who have attended fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD)-specific training and the impact of this training on their current practices. A total of 52 health and education professionals from Australia and New Zealand completed an online survey that asked about their training experiences; changes in practice following training; their experiences implementing assessments in their workplace; and, for Australian professionals, their experiences of using the recently released Australian Guide to FASD diagnosis.

  • Publishing Date:

    August 29, 2019


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Caregiver and family quality of life for children with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder

Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) is a common neurodevelopmental condition. Given that individuals with FASD can experience lifelong challenges, one field of research that could be applicable is the paediatric chronic health literature. The aim of the study was to investigate the utility of the Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory (PedsQL) Family Impact Module, designed to measure the impact of paediatric chronic health conditions on caregivers and families. 109 caregivers of children with FASD completed an online survey that assessed a range of areas including, caregiver and family quality of life, caregiver mental health and child behaviour.

  • Publishing Date:

    August 30, 2019


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Development and monitoring of a multi-layered clinician training program towards practice change

The study underscores the importance of using advanced imaging techniques to improve management and outcomes in pregnancies complicated by suspected growth issues.

  • Publishing Date:

    September 1, 2019


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Pregnancy, Fertility, Breastfeeding, and Alcohol Consumption: An Analysis of Framing and Completeness of Information Disseminated by Alcohol Industry-Funded Organizations

Information on alcohol consumption in relation to fertility, pregnancy, and breastfeeding was extracted from the websites of 23 alcohol industry-funded bodies (e.g., Drinkaware [United Kingdom] and DrinkWise [Australia]), and 19 public health organizations (e.g., and NHS Choices). Comparative qualitative and quantitative analysis of the framing and completeness of this information was undertaken.

  • Publishing Date:

    September 1, 2019


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Protocol for the Yapatjarrathati project: a mixed-method implementation trial of a tiered assessment process for identifying fetal alcohol spectrum disorders in a remote Australian community

Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) is a highly prevalent neurodevelopmental disorder associated with prenatal alcohol exposure. Early identification can improve functioning for individuals and reduce costs to society. Gold standard methods of diagnosing FASD rely on specialists to deliver intensive, multidisciplinary assessments. While comprehensive, prevalence rates highlight that this assessment model cannot meet demand, nor is it feasible in remote areas where specialist services are lacking. This project aims to expand the capabilities of remote practitioners in north Queensland, Australia, where 23–94% of the community identify as First Nations people. Integrating cultural protocols with the implementation science theories of Knowledge-To-Action, Experience-Based Co-Design, and RE-AIM, remote practitioners with varying levels of experience will be trained in a co-designed, culturally appropriate, tiered neurodevelopmental assessment process that considers FASD as a potential outcome. This innovative assessment process can be shared between primary and tertiary health care settings, improving access to services for children and families. This project aims to demonstrate that neurodevelopmental assessments can be integrated seamlessly with established community practices and sustained through evidence-based workforce development strategies.

  • Publishing Date:

    September 9, 2019


Page last updated August 31, 2024

RE-AIM evaluation of a teacher-delivered programme to improve the self-regulation of children attending Australian Aboriginal community primary schools

Studies in north-western Australia Aboriginal communities identified executive functioning and behavioural regulation as significant issues for children. Exposure to alcohol prenatally and adverse childhood experiences are known risk factors for impaired self-regulation and executive function, these risk factors being present in remote communities. In response, a partnership was initiated to trial a teacher-delivered self-regulation intervention based on the Alert Program®. While student outcomes were assessed, this paper describes the implementation and impact of the intervention on teachers through the five dimensions of the RE-AIM framework (Reach, Efficacy, Adoption, Implementation, Maintenance). Trained classroom teachers (n = 29) delivered eight Alert Program® lessons to students over 8- weeks. Impact and implementation outcomes were assessed through teacher training and student lesson attendance data, and pre-training and post-intervention teacher questionnaires. Data were analysed using paired-samples t-tests and descriptive statistics. Eighty-one to 100% of prescribed lessons were implemented and teacher understanding of self-regulation and the Alert Program® improved significantly following the intervention (n = 14, p ≤ .001). Most teachers (88%) reported changing their teaching and behaviour management practices because of the intervention and agreed there were benefits in teaching the Alert Program® to students in a region with high reported rates of foetal alcohol spectrum disorder and self-regulation impairment.

  • Publishing Date:

    October 7, 2019


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Adverse health outcomes

The purpose of this study published in 2019 was to undertake a comprehensive review to identify all the available pre-clinical and clinical literature investigating cardiovascular and renal outcomes in offspring with prenatal alcohol exposure.

  • Publishing Date:

    October 9, 2019


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Jandu Yani U ‘For All Families’ Triple P—positive parenting program in remote Australian Aboriginal communities: a study protocol for a community intervention trial

The population-based (Lililwan) study of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) revealed a high prevalence of FASD in the remote communities of the Fitzroy Valley, Western Australia (WA) and confirmed anecdotal reports from families and teachers that challenging child behaviours were a significant concern. In response, Marninwarntikura Women’s Resource Centre initiated a partnership with researchers from The University of Sydney to bring the positive parenting program (Triple P) to the Valley. Triple P has been effective in increasing parenting skills and confidence, and improving child behaviour in various Indigenous communities.

  • Publishing Date:

    October 9, 2019


Page last updated August 31, 2024

PAE offspring disease

This study published in 2019 examined the effect of an acute but moderate prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) on glucose metabolism, lipid levels and dietary preference in adolescent and/or adult rat offspring.

  • Publishing Date:

    October 16, 2019


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Overcoming the challenges of caring for a child with foetal alcohol spectrum disorder: A Pilbara community perspective

Foetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) is a neurodevelopmental impairment that may result in individuals experiencing poor development, cognitive issues and disruptive behaviours. In Australia, the prevalence of FASD is unknown; however, two studies have revealed the prevalence of FASD in high risk populations in Western Australia. Individuals with FASD may experience higher rates of negative outcomes including poor school performance, involvement with the justice system and incarceration, substance use and are at risk of being placed in out-of-home care. Caregivers of children with FASD can experience challenges and high levels of stress due to the disruptive behaviours displayed by many children diagnosed with FASD. Whilst experiences of caregivers raising children with FASD have been documented globally, little is known about the experiences of caregivers in a remote Australian context, particularly from an Australian Aboriginal perspective. This study aimed to investigate the experiences of caregivers in a remote Australian context. The findings will be valuable to inform programs at the family, community and broader policy levels that can help enhance children’s development and wellbeing.

  • Publishing Date:

    October 17, 2019


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Does child maltreatment predict alcohol use disorders in young adulthood? A cohort study of linked notifications and survey data

This study explores the association between prospectively substantiated child maltreatment and problem alcohol use in adulthood, addressing a gap in research that predominantly relies on retrospective data. Using a prospective cohort record linkage correlational design, data from a statutory child protection agency were linked with a birth cohort from a major metropolitan maternity hospital, as part of the Mater-University of Queensland Study of Pregnancy in Brisbane, Australia.

  • Publishing Date:

    October 18, 2019


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Aboriginal child health services review

This work published in 2019 aimed to identify and map child health services in the very remote Fitzroy Valley, West Kimberley, and document barriers to effective service delivery.

  • Publishing Date:

    October 25, 2019


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Review of Aboriginal child health services in remote Western Australia identifies challenges and informs solutions

Despite a national focus on closing the gap between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal child health outcomes in Australia, there remain significant challenges, including provision of health services in very remote communities. The study aimed to identify and map child health services in the very remote Fitzroy Valley, West Kimberley, and document barriers to effective service delivery.

  • Publishing Date:

    October 26, 2019


Page last updated August 31, 2024

PAE and kidneys

Given that most women who drink alcohol cease consumption upon pregnancy recognition, we aimed to investigate the effect of alcohol around the time of conception on offspring renal development and function. This study was published in 2019

  • Publishing Date:

    November 5, 2019


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Disability “In-Justice”: The Benefits and Challenges of “Yarning” With Young People Undergoing Diagnostic Assessment for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder in a Youth Detention Center

Undertaking research with young people presents an array of methodological challenges. The study report the findings from a qualitative study that took place alongside a fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) prevalence study among detainees in Australia. Of 38 participants, 27 were Aboriginal youth. Interviews were conducted using “social yarning” and “research topic yarning,” an Indigenous research method which allows for data collection in an exploratory, culturally safe way. A complex interplay emerged between social yarning and research topic yarning which provided a space to explore responsively with participants their experiences of FASD assessments. Flexibility, including language adaptation and visual descriptions about assessments, was utilized to assist participants recall and retell their experiences. There were, however, challenges in gathering data on the assessment experiences of some participants. The study describe how employing a “yarning” method for collecting data could benefit children and young people undergoing neurodevelopmental assessments in the future.

  • Publishing Date:

    November 6, 2019


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Warning Labels about Alcohol Consumption and Pregnancy: Moving from Industry Self-regulation to Law

Alcohol consumption during pregnancy carries known risks to the foetus in the form of foetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD). One of the interventions for the prevention of FASD is the application of warning labels to packaged alcoholic beverages. Between 2011 and 2018, the Australian Government allowed the alcohol organisation, DrinkWise, to operate an industry self-regulatory scheme to provide alcohol producers with prototype warnings about drinking during pregnancy. In 2018, the government announced that it would be mandating alcohol and pregnancy warnings through Food Standards Australia New Zealand. This section argues that a proper appraisal of the DrinkWise Labelling Scheme at the outset would have demonstrated its inherent regulatory incapacity to operate as an effective health information policy. The DrinkWise Labelling Scheme is missing two essential elements of functional industry self-regulation: a strong normative framework and mechanisms for norm creation, implementation and enforcement.

  • Publishing Date:

    December 1, 2019


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Barriers and facilitators in antenatal settings to screening and referral of pregnant women who use alcohol or other drugs: A qualitative study of midwives’ experience

Screening pregnant women for substance use is highly recommended in antenatal care settings. Although midwives provide routine screening for substance use and referral for treatment in pregnancy, little is known about the barriers and facilitators they experience. The study explored barriers and facilitators experienced by midwives in antenatal settings to screening and referral of pregnant women who use alcohol or other drugs.

  • Publishing Date:

    December 2, 2019


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Fallen by the wayside

PhD Thesis Doctor of Philosophy University of Otago

  • Publishing Date:

    December 11, 2019


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Lifestyle and Psychological Factors Associated with Pregnancy Intentions: Findings from a Longitudinal Cohort Study of Australian Women

Preconception is a critical time for the establishment of healthy lifestyle behaviours and psychological well-being to reduce adverse maternal and offspring outcomes. This study aimed to explore relationships between preconception lifestyle and psychological factors and prospectively assessed short- (currently trying to conceive) and long-term (future parenthood aspirations) pregnancy intentions. Data from Wave 3 (age 25-30 years; n = 7656) and Wave 5 (age 31-36 years; n = 4735) from the Australian Longitudinal Study of Women’s Health were used. Pregnancy intentions and parenthood aspirations were evaluated. Logistic regressions explored cross-sectional associations between demographic, lifestyle and psychological factors and pregnancy intentions/parenthood aspirations.

  • Publishing Date:

    December 13, 2019


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Challenges in accurately assessing PAE

Young people who were sentenced to detention participated in a FASD prevalence study in Western Australia. The diagnosis of FASD requires a multidisciplinary assessment and confirmation of maternal alcohol consumption during pregnancy. Obtaining accurate assessment of PAE for young people participating in the study was challenging.

  • Publishing Date:

    December 23, 2019


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Community based CDS for FASD

The aims of the current study published in 2020 were to: (i) report on the diagnostic profile of a group of children assessed for FASD (FASD) using the Australian Guide to the Diagnosis of FASD; and (ii) to provide information and recommendations for paediatricians and/or multidisciplinary teams conducting FASD assessments, including utilising the Australian Guide to the Diagnosis of FASD, and details of how to do FASD assessment.

  • Publishing Date:

    January 8, 2020


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Putting ‘Justice’ in Recovery Capital: Yarning about hopes and futures with young people indetention

This 2020 article focuses on the hope, relationships and educational experiences of 38 detained youth in Western Australia. The study uses a ‘social yarning’ approach.

  • Publishing Date:

    January 9, 2020


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Ethonol exposure & kidney dysfunction

In this work published in 2020, the effects of moderate ethanol exposure throughout pregnancy on kidney development were examined using a rat model. Rats were fed a liquid diet containing 6% ethanol (vol/vol) or control (0% ethanol) throughout pregnancy.

  • Publishing Date:

    January 26, 2020


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Acceptability of screening

The aim of this study published in 2020 was to gauge the planned preconception health behaviours and attitudes towards being asked about pregnancy intention by a general practitioner (GP) among people of reproductive age in Australia.

  • Publishing Date:

    February 6, 2020


Page last updated August 31, 2024

FASD importance of assessment

This 2020 article outlines how individuals with FASD may experience inequalities with the justice system. It focuses on why assessment, diagnosis and intervention is important and the role of health and justice professionals in promoting more equitable outcomes for individuals with FASD involved with the justice system.

  • Publishing Date:

    February 6, 2020


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Changing direction

This 2019 report presents initial findings on the mental health of 465 justice-involved young people.

  • Publishing Date:

    February 6, 2020


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Acceptability of screening for pregnancy intention

The aim of this study published in 2020 was to gauge the planned preconception health behaviours and attitudes towards being asked about pregnancy intention by a general practitioner (GP) among people of reproductive age in Australia.

  • Publishing Date:

    February 19, 2020


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Maternal alcohol use disorder and child outcomes

The objective of this study published in 2020 was to investigate the relationship between maternal alcohol-use disorder and multiple biological and social child outcomes, including birth outcomes, child protection, justice contact, and academic outcomes for both Indigenous and non-Indigenous children.

  • Publishing Date:

    February 29, 2020


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Alcohol use in pregnancy

The aim of this study published in 2020 was to review the impact of prenatal alcohol exposure on the outcomes of the mother and child.

  • Publishing Date:

    March 8, 2020


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Getting on with it

This report published in 2020 outlines the development of the digital online Getting on with it (GOWI) pilot between NOFASD and Dr Anita Gibbs over the course of 2019, and includes a combined evaluation report of an internal brief survey as well as an external telephone-based evaluation undertaken in early 2020 by an independent, external contractor

  • Publishing Date:

    March 11, 2020


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Drinking or smoking

This study published in 2020 examined whether drinking or smoking while breastfeeding was associated with reductions in Australian National Assessment Program-Literacy and Numeracy assessments. Data was sourced from The Growing Up in Australia Study. This is an ongoing longitudinal study of 5107 infants and mothers recruited in 2004 and followed over time every two years.

  • Publishing Date:

    March 11, 2020


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Experiences of children with FASD

A critical review of existing research was conducted in 2020 using a critical interpretive synthesis approach. Results revealed that whilst many studies discussed impacts at the body functions and structures level of children with FASD, they often did not consider the activity, participation, and environmental factors also contributing to the daily functioning of this population. Several studies discussed caregiver experiences and challenges raising a child with FASD; however, no studies investigated the lived experiences relating to impacts across activities and environments from children’s perspectives. In addition, the focus on deficits overshadowed investigation into the strengths of children with FASD, leaving a gap in the picture of their daily lives.

  • Publishing Date:

    April 8, 2020


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Influences on drinking choices

Despite women’s awareness that drinking alcohol in pregnancy can lead to lifelong disabilities in a child, it appears that an awareness alone does not discourage some pregnant women from drinking. To explore influences on pregnant women’s choices around alcohol use, we conducted interviews and group discussions with 14 Indigenous Australian and 14 non-Indigenous pregnant women attending antenatal care in a range of socioeconomic settings. This article was published in 2020

  • Publishing Date:

    April 9, 2020


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Demographic and neurocognitive profile

The aim of this study published in 2020 was to describe the demographic and neurocognitive profile of the first 199 individuals diagnosed with FASD in PATCHES Paediatrics clinics.

  • Publishing Date:

    April 24, 2020


Page last updated August 31, 2024

PAE on facial morphology

In the present study, we conducted a preliminary investigation to examine facial morphology in autistic children with and without prenatal alcohol exposure. This was published in 2020

  • Publishing Date:

    May 6, 2020


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Development of referral pathway

This 2020 article describes the process of mapping referral pathways to develop a localised resource to enhance the journey to diagnosis, treatment and support for FASD (FASD) in a regional community setting.

  • Publishing Date:

    May 6, 2020


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Caregiver reported physical health

While FASD (FASD) has primarily been thought of as a neurodevelopmental condition, research is beginning to highlight its ‘whole-body’ implications. Accordingly, the current study published in 2020 sought to provide a snapshot of potential health issues.

  • Publishing Date:

    May 7, 2020


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Qualitative examination

This study published in 2020 explores the cognitive and behavioural difficulties and impairments experience by children with FASD aged between four and 12 years from the perspective of caregivers.

  • Publishing Date:

    May 13, 2020


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Evaluation of co-design

The aim of this study was to evaluate a co-design method used to design an online education package about inclusive education for children with disability in mainstream schools. The study design was a multiple methods evaluation informed by participatory and transformative research paradigms, incorporating design sciences and public service approaches.

  • Publishing Date:

    May 13, 2020


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Moderate PAE and fertility

The current study published in 2020 utilised a moderate, episodic exposure model in rats to mimic ‘special occasion’ drinking, which is reported to be common during pregnancy. Our objective was to examine the consequences of this prenatal alcohol exposure on reproductive parameters in female offspring.

  • Publishing Date:

    May 13, 2020


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Contextual influences experienced by midwives

The purpose of this study published in 2019 was to understand the experiences and contextual factors that influence the ability of midwives to provide appropriate support to women regarding alcohol and other drug (AOD)e use during pregnancy, in the Queensland context

  • Publishing Date:

    June 3, 2020


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Preconception health & lifestyle behaviours

Published in 2020 this article reports on a cross‐sectional survey of Australian women in preconception, stratified by pregnancy planning stage (active planners (currently trying to conceive) vs. non‐active planners (pregnancy planned within 1–5 years)), assessed health behaviours and their alignment to preconception guidelines.

  • Publishing Date:

    June 4, 2020


Page last updated August 31, 2024

PAE and mental illness

This review published in 2020 will discuss the evidence that indicates low-dose and early prenatal alcohol exposure can increase the risk of mental illness in offspring and discuss the mechanistic pathways that may be involved.

  • Publishing Date:

    June 10, 2020


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Self regulation & executive function

Researchers partnered with the local Aboriginal health organization and schools to develop and pilot a manualized version of the Alert Program® in the Fitzroy Valley, north Western Australia, a region with documented high rates of FASD and early life trauma. Published in 2020

  • Publishing Date:

    June 17, 2020


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Cognitive and social influences

In a study of 39 children with FASD and 29 comparison children published in 2020, we found that social cognition (specifically recognizing emotions) was the only significant independent predictor of teacher-rated adaptive functioning even after including IQ, executive functioning, and adverse childhood experiences into the model. In this current study, Māori (Indigenous people of Aotearoa New Zealand) were overrepresented; therefore, the research was supported by a strong partnership with Te Wāhanga Hauora Māori (Māori Health Service). Aotearoa New Zealand’s colonized history is recognized and findings are discussed with regard to both the psychological literature and a Te Ao Māori worldview.

  • Publishing Date:

    June 17, 2020


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Caregivers of children with FASD psycho social factors

The aim of this study published in 2020 was to explore experiences of caregivers of children, adolescents and young adults diagnosed with FASD. More specifically, we examined the relationship between shame, guilt, pride, self compassion and caregiver psychological distress. It was hypothesised that shame, guilt, pride and self-compassion would be uniquely associated with caregiver psychological distress.We also examined differences between biological and non-biological caregivers on these variables. It was hypothesised that relative to non-biological caregivers, biological parents would (i) report significantly higher levels of psychological distress, guilt and shame and (ii) report significantly lower self-compassion scores.

  • Publishing Date:

    July 2, 2020


Page last updated August 31, 2024

A reduction in reported alcohol use

This study published in 2020 reports on a reduction in reported prenatal alcohol exposure in an Aboriginal community setting during a period of prevention activities and provides initial evidence for a community‐led strategy that might be applicable to similar communities

  • Publishing Date:

    July 5, 2020


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Parent reported sleep problems FASD

Sleep problems are a common clinically reported area of concern for children and adolescents with FASD (FASD). However, limited empirical research has been undertaken investigating sleep problems for children with FASD. The current study published in 2020 aimed to examine the associations between parent-reported sleep problems in children with FASD and child behaviour, caregiver mental health and health-related quality of life and family functioning.

  • Publishing Date:

    July 9, 2020


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Australia high rates of drinking

This article discusses the importance of introducing mandatory alcohol pregnancy warning labels in Australia and New Zealand.

  • Publishing Date:

    July 15, 2020


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Change over time

This paper published in 2020 analyses the content of news media messages on drinking during pregnancy in Australia over an 18-year period to understand whether and how the nature of messages communicated to women has changed over time.

  • Publishing Date:

    July 16, 2020


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Public support for alcohol control

The aim of this study published in 2020 was to asses public support for a range of recommended alcohol control initiatives across seven countries with varying sociocultural profiles.

  • Publishing Date:

    August 5, 2020


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Are antenatal interventions effective?

Maternal behaviours in pregnancy associated with adverse pregnancy, birth and health outcomes include tobacco smoking, poor nutrition, alcohol consumption and low physical activity, collectively referred to as the SNAP risk factors. In this study published in 2020 seven electronic databases were searched for studies that examined the effect of interventions addressing multiple SNAP behaviours.

  • Publishing Date:

    August 6, 2020


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Reframe Behaviour

This study published in 2020 describes the conception, implementation and evaluation of a training intervention aiming to upskill the custodial workforce in the management of youth with FASD and NDI; 117 staff participated in the intervention, and 109 completed pre- and post-intervention surveys. Improvements were seen across almost all knowledge and attitude items, and the intervention was considered highly necessary, appropriate and valuable by the workforce.

  • Publishing Date:

    August 6, 2020


Page last updated August 31, 2024

APSU Annual Surveillance Report

The Australian Paediatric Surveillance Unit (APSU) has been prospectively collecting national data on rare childhood conditions since 1993, with monthly reporting of cases by paediatricians. In this report we describe annual results from studies for ten communicable diseases and complications of communicable diseases that were conducted using APSU surveillance in 2019 and place these in an historic context.

  • Publishing Date:

    August 6, 2020


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Teacher delivered programme

Exposure to alcohol prenatally and adverse childhood experiences are known risk factors for impaired self-regulation and executive function, these risk factors being present in remote communities. In response, a partnership was initiated to trial a teacher-delivered self-regulation intervention based on the Alert Program®. While student outcomes were assessed, this paper published in 2020 describes the implementation and impact of the intervention on teachers through the five dimensions of the RE-AIM framework (Reach, Efficacy, Adoption, Implementation, Maintenance).

  • Publishing Date:

    August 9, 2020


Page last updated August 31, 2024

20 years to pregnancy warning label

Article by Dr Nicki Jackson, Executive Director Alcohol Healthwatch on the decades it can take for collective advocacy efforts to achieve success in getting effective policies and interventions over the line.

  • Publishing Date:

    August 12, 2020


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Protocol economic evaluation

Antenatal clinical practice guidelines recommend routine assessment of women’s alcohol consumption during pregnancy. The delivery of advice and referral when necessary are also recommended. However, evidence suggests there are barriers to the uptake of best care guidelines. Effective, cost-effective and affordable implementation strategies are needed to ensure the intended benefit of guidelines are realized through addressing identified barriers. This paper published in 2020 describes the protocol for evaluating the efficiency and affordability of a practice change intervention compared to usual practice in an implementation trial.

  • Publishing Date:

    August 16, 2020


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Annotated bibliography ANZ

This annotated 2019-2020 bibliography has been curated by members of the University of Queensland Programming in Developmental Disease Research Group

  • Publishing Date:

    August 18, 2020


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Improving treatment and outcomes

Young people with FASD (FASD) in Aotearoa New Zealand are both primed for, and hindered within the youth justice (YJ) system. This research published in 2020 provides a fresh perspective on how social workers can take a lead role in ensuring young people with FASD receive neurodevelopmentally appropriate interventions both within the YJ system and upon return to their communities.

  • Publishing Date:

    August 19, 2020


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Childproofing Australia’s Future Health

A letter published in 2020 on the profound effect alcohol has had on her paediatric practice.

  • Publishing Date:

    September 10, 2020


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Community Priority Setting for FASD

Our primary objective of this work published in 2020 was to formally identify the views of people living with FASD, their parents/caregivers, service providers and the general public on the research priorities for FASD and alcohol use on pregnancy in Australia. Our secondary objective was to provide an overview of current research in the highest priority areas identified.

  • Publishing Date:

    September 10, 2020


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Prenatal Alcohol and Tobacco Use

The objective of this study published in 2020 was to test the associations between maternal prenatal alcohol and tobacco exposures and depressive symptoms in the offspring, adjusting for a wide range of potential confounders.

  • Publishing Date:

    October 8, 2020


Page last updated August 31, 2024

We do what we can

This study published in 2020 interviewed 26 staff from 18 organizations involved in referral and co-ordination, case management, or treatment and support services for women with (or at high risk of) PAE in the Greater Newcastle region in Australia.

  • Publishing Date:

    October 15, 2020


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Health professionals are the preferred source

The study published in 2020 identified where Australian women obtained information about alcohol during pregnancy, their preferred sources of information, and their perceptions of the role of health professionals in providing information.

  • Publishing Date:

    November 4, 2020


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Link PAE and sleep

Data from the birth cohort of the Longitudinal Study of Australian Children (LSAC) was used. Mothers of 3447 children provided information on alcohol consumption during pregnancy, children’s sleep problems from 2- to 9-years, and potential confounders associated with sleep problems. Children were classified into Prenatal Exposure (PAE) groups based on distinct patterns of maternal drinking during pregnancy: abstinent, occasional, low, moderate, and heavy. The effect of PAE on the number and persistence of sleep problems across childhood (2-9 years) was examined. The outcomes of this study were published in 2021.

  • Publishing Date:

    November 23, 2020


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Australian Guidelines to Reduce Health Risks from Drinking Alcohol

The alcohol guideline 3: women who are pregnant or breastfeeding, makes direct reference to FASD. It recommends not drinking alcohol is the safest for women who are pregnant, planning a pregnancy or breastfeeding. The report was published by the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC).

  • Publishing Date:

    December 3, 2020


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Decolonising Justice for Aboriginal youth with FASD

This book reflects multidisciplinary and cross-jurisdictional analysis of issues surrounding FASDs (FASD) and the criminal justice system, and the impact on Aboriginal children, young people, and their families

  • Publishing Date:

    December 9, 2020


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Associations of PAE and offspring

We used data from the Raine Study, a multi-generational birth cohort study, to examine the association between prenatal alcohol exposure and the risk of harmful alcohol use in offspring at the age of 17 years. This study was published in 2020.

  • Publishing Date:

    December 10, 2020


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Yarning about FASD

Eighty-seven participants attended a workshop to support community-based professional development and co-design of a novel assessment approach. Qualitative data collection included video recording of the workshop, and small group discussions, for which a narrative analysis was utilised. Quantitative data collection included self-report questionnaires to understand current community practices and three key constructs: practitioner knowledge, attitudes, and intentions for future practice. The outcomes of this study were published in 2021.

  • Publishing Date:

    December 31, 2020


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Scoping review ATSI health promotion

Noncommunicable chronic disease underlies much of the life expectancy gap experienced by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Modifying contributing risk factors; tobacco smoking, nutrition, alcohol consumption, physical activity, social and emotional wellbeing (SNAPS) could help close this disease gap. This scoping review published in 2021 identified and describes SNAPS health promotion programs implemented for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in Australia.

  • Publishing Date:

    January 27, 2021


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Lifestyle and psychological factors

The aim of this study published in 2021 was to explore associations between lifestyle/psychological factors and long-term pregnancy intentions in women who go on to become pregnant. Data from the cohort born 1973-1978 from the Australian Longitudinal Study of Women’s Health were utilised. Women were included if they had a new pregnancy occurring between Waves 3 and 5, resulting in 2203 women for analysis.

  • Publishing Date:

    February 1, 2021


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Early motor function

The objective of this study published in 2021 was to characterise early motor function in children later diagnosed with neurodevelopmental disorders relative to typically developing children or normative data.

  • Publishing Date:

    February 1, 2021


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Emergency department presentations

Aboriginal leaders invited us to examine the frequency and reasons for emergency department presentations by children in remote Western Australia, where Prenatal Alcohol Exposure is common. Published in 2021

  • Publishing Date:

    February 2, 2021


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Maternal bonding cohort study

Theoretical perspectives and empirical evidence suggest that maternal bonding and negative affect play a role in supporting infant social-emotional development. However, the complex pathways likely to exist between these constructs remain unclear, with limited research examining the temporal and potentially bi-directional associations between maternal bonding and negative affect across pregnancy and infancy.

  • Publishing Date:

    February 14, 2021


Page last updated August 31, 2024

What people are saying on social media

To determine whether social networking site posts can be used as a source of feedback during public consultation for guidelines, the authors aimed to collect posts on social networking sites (Twitter and Reddit) related to the Australian alcohol guidelines. They aimed to identify: (i) which guideline recommendations the public were interested in (and discussed most), (ii) whether social networking site posts provides feedback that could be used for public consultation for guidelines, and (iii) any misinterpretations. The outcomes of this study were published in 2021.

  • Publishing Date:

    February 17, 2021


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Navigating complexity justice involved youth

The aim of this research published in 2021 was to determine the unmet workforce development needs of a regional workforce providing care and support to youth involved with the justice system. Interviews were conducted with 29 participants from 14 organisations to understand the support provided to youth, existence and uptake of referral pathways, and unmet needs.

  • Publishing Date:

    February 26, 2021


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Effective approaches to prevention, diagnosis and support for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder

In September 2019, an inquiry was referred to the Senate Community Affairs References Committee into effective approaches to prevention and diagnosis of FASD and strategies for optimising life outcomes for people living with FASD.

The final outcomes of the senate inquiry were released in March 2021.

  • Publishing Date:

    March 1, 2021


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Opportunities for enhancing pregnancy

The preconception period provides a significant opportunity to engage women in healthy behaviour change for improved maternal and child health outcomes. However, there is limited research exploring women’s pregnancy planning in Australia. This study published in 2021 investigated associations between pregnancy planning, socio-demographics and preconception health behaviours in Australian women. A retrospective cross-sectional survey of pregnant women >=18-years-of-age recruited through a Victorian public maternity service and a national private health insurer.

  • Publishing Date:

    March 1, 2021


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Oral and written narrative language

In this study, we examined macrostructure and microstructure elements in the oral and written narrative texts of 24 adolescent students of a youth detention centre. The students, who were aged 14- to 17- years, were all speakers of Standard Australian English, and 11 (46%) students met criteria for language disorder (LD). The outcomes of this study were published in 2021.

  • Publishing Date:

    March 3, 2021


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Problem is we hear a bit of everything

This systematic review of qualitative studies involving pregnant and recently postpartum women seeks to understand the barriers and facilitators that influence alcohol use in pregnancy. Social relationships and norms, stigma, trauma and other stressors, alcohol information and messaging, and access to trusted equitable care and essential resources were identified as themes that impact women’s alcohol use, abstention and reduction.

  • Publishing Date:

    March 25, 2021


Page last updated August 31, 2024

The problem is we hear

Understanding the factors that contribute to women’s alcohol use in pregnancy is critical to supporting women’s health and wellness and preventing FASD. A systematic review of qualitative studies involving pregnant and recently postpartum women was undertaken to understand the barriers and facilitators that influence alcohol use in pregnancy. The review was published in 2021.

  • Publishing Date:

    March 25, 2021


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Oral and written communication skills of adolescents in youth justice with and without prenatal alcohol exposure

This research investigated the communication skills of adolescents in youth detention in Western Australia, a context in which FASD is highly prevalent and Aboriginal young peoples are over-represented.

  • Publishing Date:

    April 1, 2021


Page last updated August 31, 2024

FASD resources primary school setting

Many children affected by FASD exhibit neurocognitive delays that contribute to secondary consequences, including a disrupted school experience. Educators often have limited knowledge or experience in the identification, referral, management and accommodation of students with FASD. Effective resources and tools for educators are crucial to ensure these students are supported in their ongoing learning, development and school participation. This scoping review published in 2021 aims to identify and evaluate resources for educators that aid in the identification, management, or accommodation of students with FASD.

  • Publishing Date:

    April 4, 2021


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Changes in alcohol consumption

The objective of this study published in 2021 was to examine pre- to postnatal changes in drinking for women and men and assess the role of education level in these changes.

  • Publishing Date:

    May 19, 2021


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Oral and written communication skills

We conducted a systematic review to synthesize evidence regarding oral and written communication skills of adolescents with PAE or FASD and how they compare with those with no PAE. This study was published in 2021.

  • Publishing Date:

    June 15, 2021


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Effect of heavy PAE on body mass index

The current clinical study published in 2021 examined the association between heavy PAE and indirect measures of adiposity in adolescence.

  • Publishing Date:

    July 4, 2021


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Neurodevelopmental disorders in youth justice

This study published in 2021 aimed to systematically review screening and assessment approaches and therapeutic interventions for young people with neurodevelopmental disorders in the youth justice system.

  • Publishing Date:

    July 14, 2021


Page last updated August 31, 2024

The Adverse Effects of Prenatal METH Exposure on the Offspring: A Review

Abuse of methamphetamine (METH), an illicit psychostimulant, is a growing public health issue. METH abuse during pregnancy is on the rise due to its stimulant, anorectic, and hallucinogenic properties. METH can lead to multiple organ toxicity in adults, including neurotoxicity, cardiovascular toxicity, and hepatotoxicity. It can also cross the placental barrier and have long-lasting effects on the fetus. This review summarizes neurotoxicity, cardiovascular toxicity, hepatotoxicity, toxicity in other organs, and biomonitoring of prenatal METH exposure, as well as the possible emergence of sensitization associated with METH. The study proposed the importance of gut microbiota in studying prenatal METH exposure. There is rising evidence of the adverse effects of METH exposure during pregnancy, which are of significant concern.

  • Publishing Date:

    July 14, 2021


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Neonatal outcomes of infants

This study published in 2021 examines the associations of substance use disorders in pregnancy with a set of neonatal outcomes. Three linked datasets of a 10-year period (2007-2016) from New South Wales, Australia, were examined.
Pregnant women were identified positive for substance use disorders when at least one hospital admission during pregnancy or delivery had opioid, or cannabis, or stimulant, or alcohol or two or more of the four substance groups related ICD-10-AM diagnostic code.

  • Publishing Date:

    July 21, 2021


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Maternal psycho-social risk factors

This systematic literature published in 2021 review aims to identify demographic, health and psycho-social variables associated with alcohol consumption during pregnancy which may lead to FASD.

  • Publishing Date:

    August 25, 2021


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Maternal health and health related behaviours

This study published in 2021 investigates the associations between maternal health and health-related behaviours (nutrition, physical activity, alcohol consumption and smoking) both during pregnancy and up to 15 months from childbirth and children’s health outcomes during infancy and adolescence (general health, presence of a chronic illness, and physical health outcome index)

  • Publishing Date:

    September 8, 2021


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Role of antenatal and postnatal bonding

The affectional bond experienced by a mother toward her developing fetus/infant has been theorized to be a critical factor in determining infant developmental outcomes; yet there remains a paucity of research in this area, and a lack of high-quality longitudinal studies. This study aimed to examine the extent to which mother-to-infant bonding predicted infant development in a multi-wave longitudinal pregnancy cohort study (N = 1,347).

  • Publishing Date:

    September 19, 2021


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Preconception interventions

The preconception period provides a unique opportunity to optimize the health of women and children. High rates of alcohol use and unintended pregnancies are common across many Western societies and alcohol exposed pregnancies (AEPs) are a possible unintended outcome. The aim of the current study published in 2021 was to evaluate preconception interventions for the prevention of AEPs.

  • Publishing Date:

    September 29, 2021


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Overview treatment guidelines

This Medical Journal of Australia Supplement published in 2021 was sponsored by the University of Sydney and the Guidelines for the Treatment of Alcohol Problems. It provides an overview of recommendations from the new Australian guidelines for the treatment of alcohol problems.

  • Publishing Date:

    October 3, 2021


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Birth prevalence congenital heart defects

The aim of this study published in 2021 was to describe the birth prevalence and characteristics of congenital heart defects in a geographically defined Australian population.

  • Publishing Date:

    October 3, 2021


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Is a little too much?

This study aims to identify behavioural, normative and control beliefs regarding alcohol use during pregnancy among a sample of women using the theory of planned behaviour as a theoretical framework.

  • Publishing Date:

    October 15, 2021


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Substance Use During Pregnancy: A Comparative Review of Major Guidelines

Substance use during pregnancy is a major health issue for both the mother and the fetus, but it also represents an important public health concern.: The aim of this review was to summarize and compare recommendations from recently published guidelines on substance use during pregnancy and especially regarding alcohol, smoking, and drug use.

  • Publishing Date:

    October 20, 2021


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Vision, future, cycle and effect

Prevention approaches specific to prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) and foetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) have been identified as urgently needed in Australia, including in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. However, very little work has aimed to describe and evaluate health promotion initiatives, especially those developed in rural and remote areas. The results of the work in Alice Springs was published in 2021.

  • Publishing Date:

    October 29, 2021


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Ear abnormalities

The objective of this study published in 2021 was to systematically review and conduct meta-analysis on studies that report the type and prevalence of functional and structural ear abnormalities among children with prenatal alcohol exposure and/or FASD (FASD).

  • Publishing Date:

    November 12, 2021


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Sex and tissue specific effects

Binge-level prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) causes developmental abnormalities, which may be mediated in part by epigenetic mechanisms. Despite this, few studies have characterised the association of binge PAE with DNA methylation in offspring. We investigated the association between binge PAE and genome-wide DNA methylation profiles in a sex-specific manner in neonatal buccal and placental samples. Published in 2021

  • Publishing Date:

    December 12, 2021


Page last updated August 31, 2024

FASD and youth firesetting

For individuals with FASD, brain-based deficits translate into impulsive behaviors and poorly thought-out decision-making, coupled with an inability to anticipate and recognize the sometimes very severe consequences of their behaviors. Not unexpectedly, individuals with FASD frequently find themselves disproportionately involved in the criminal justice system and mental health services. For some individuals with FASD, these behaviors can also include firesetting. First responders, like other health and legal professionals, are often unable to recognize the behavioral indicators of FASD, primarily due to a lack of training. This article will outline key behavioral symptoms of FASD as well as provide first responders with suggestions as to how to best support individuals when FASD is suspected. The brief quote that follows highlights some of the key challenges facing individuals with FASD and how poor decision-making and impulsiveness can result in severe consequences for the individual and those around them.

  • Publishing Date:

    December 26, 2021


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Longitudinal prediction of periconception alcohol use

This study published in 2021 examined the frequency of periconception alcohol use (prior to pregnancy awareness) and the extent to which adolescent and young adult alcohol use prospectively predict periconception use.

  • Publishing Date:

    December 31, 2021


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Predictors of alcohol use during pregnancy in Australian women

This paper published in 2022 aimed to document alcohol use during pregnancy and determine predictors of ongoing use, including knowledge and agreement with national alcohol guideline recommendations.

  • Publishing Date:

    January 1, 2022


Page last updated August 31, 2024

The orofacial, oromotor, speech, and voice characteristics of adolescents in youth detention: a comparison of groups with and without prenatal alcohol exposure

Language disorder is highly prevalent in youth justice; however, orofacial, oromotor, speech, and voice anomalies have been largely overlooked. The aims of this exploratory study published in 2022 were to identify the prevalence of orofacial, oromotor, speech, and voice anomalies among adolescents in youth detention and to examine how these compare between adolescents with and without PAE.

  • Publishing Date:

    January 7, 2022


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Prenatal alcohol and tobacco exposures and the risk of cannabis use in offspring: Findings from a population-based cohort study

There is a paucity of prospective longitudinal studies examining the associations between maternal use of alcohol and tobacco during pregnancy and the risk of cannabis use in offspring. The aim of this study was to examine the association between prenatal alcohol and tobacco exposures and offspring cannabis use.

  • Publishing Date:

    January 7, 2022


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Early detection of Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander infants at high risk of adverse neurodevelopmental outcomes at 12 months corrected age: LEAP-CP prospective cohort study protocol

Neurodevelopmental disorders (NDD), including cerebral palsy, autism spectrum disorder and foetal alcohol spectrum disorder, are characterised by impaired development of the early central nervous system, impacting cognitive and/or physical function. Early detection of NDD enables infants to be fast-tracked to early intervention services, optimising outcomes. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander infants may experience early life factors increasing their risk of neurodevelopmental vulnerability, which persist into later childhood, further compounding the health inequities experienced by First Nations peoples in Australia. The LEAP-CP prospective cohort study will investigate the efficacy of early screening programmes, implemented in Queensland, Australia to earlier identify Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander infants who are ‘at risk’ of adverse neurodevelopmental outcomes (NDO) or NDD.

  • Publishing Date:

    January 7, 2022

Cohort profile: early school years follow-up of the Asking Questions about Alcohol in Pregnancy Longitudinal Study in Melbourne, Australia (AQUA at 6)

The Asking Questions about Alcohol in Pregnancy (AQUA) study, established in 2011, is a pre-birth cohort of 1570 mother and child pairs designed to assess the effects of low to moderate prenatal alcohol exposure and sporadic binge drinking on long-term child development. The current follow-up of the children, now aged 6 to 8 years, aims to strengthen our understanding of the relationship between these levels of prenatal alcohol exposure and neuropsychological functioning, facial dysmorphology, and brain structure & function. Published 2021

  • Publishing Date:

    January 17, 2022


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Association of PAE with offspring DNA methylation sys review

Prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) is associated with a range of adverse offspring neurodevelopmental outcomes. Several studies suggest that PAE modifies DNA methylation in offspring cells and tissues, providing evidence for a potential mechanistic link to FASD (FASD). This paper systematically reviewed existing evidence on the extent to which maternal alcohol use during pregnancy is associated with offspring DNA methylation.

  • Publishing Date:

    January 20, 2022


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder resources for educators: A scoping review

This scoping review published in 2022 aimed to identify and evaluate publicly available educator resources that aid in the identification, and support of students with FASD in primary/elementary school. In addition, educators and FASD experts were consulted to obtain feedback on currently available resources, and key issues and priorities for FASD resources.

  • Publishing Date:

    January 26, 2022


Page last updated August 31, 2024

A Family-Directed Approach for Supporting Individuals with FASDs

This review published in 2022 proposes a theoretical framework to support professionals in collaborating with families in the provision of services for children with FASDs (FASD). Existing models of family-directed care and family contextual factors relevant to planning interventions were reviewed. This information was adapted and integrated in the context of available evidence regarding the provision of evidence-based approaches for children with FASD and their families.

  • Publishing Date:

    January 30, 2022


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Understanding Current Staff Experiences, Practices and Needs in Supporting Young People with Neurodevelopmental Disorders in the Queensland Youth Justice System

Young people with neurodevelopmental disorders are overrepresented in the youth justice system and face many disadvantages due to their impairments. This study published in 2022 investigated what factors predict and contribute to the behavior of youth justice professionals working in the Queensland (QLD) youth justice system, utilizing a behavior change wheel framework and providing helpful directions to better support young people with neurodevelopmental conditions who are involved with the QLD youth justice system.

  • Publishing Date:

    January 30, 2022

Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder and confabulation in psycholegal settings: A beginner’s guide for criminal justice, forensic mental health, and legal interviewers

Impairments caused by pre-natal alcohol exposure contribute to the over-representation of individuals with FASD in the United States juvenile and adult criminal justice systems. These same impairments can equally impact on individuals with FASD who are witnesses to or victims of crime who also have to navigate the complexities of the criminal justice system. Individuals with FASD are particularity at risk of confabulation when they are subjected to tactics, such as stressful and anxiety-provoking situations, threats, and leading, suggestive, or coercive questioning. This article serves as a beginner’s guide for professionals working in criminal justice settings by (a) providing research-based overviews of FASD and confabulation, (b) describing how FASD may lead to confabulation, and (c) suggesting ways that professionals can modify protocols when interacting with individuals with FASD.

  • Publishing Date:

    February 1, 2022


Page last updated August 31, 2024

FASD: An update on policy and practice in Australia

This paper published in February 2022 outlines developments for the prevention of FASD and the diagnosis and support of children and young people living with FASD in Australia. It describes some of the key policy and practice initiatives since 2016, including the National FASD Strategic Action Plan 2018-2028, and considers further opportunities for responding to the needs of children and families affected by FASD. This paper is intended to provide an overview of the key issues for child and family practitioners who may encounter children and families living with FASD.

  • Publishing Date:

    February 1, 2022


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Cost, cost-consequence and cost-effectiveness evaluation of a practice change intervention to increase routine provision of antenatal care addressing maternal alcohol consumption

Implementation of antenatal clinical guideline recommendations are implemented for addressing maternal alcohol consumption is sub-optimal There is a complete absence of evidence of the cost and cost-effectiveness of delivering practice change interventions addressing maternal alcohol consumption amongst women accessing maternity services. The study sought to determine the cost, cost-consequence and cost-effectiveness of developing and delivering a multi-strategy practice change intervention in three sectors of a health district in New South Wales, Australia.

  • Publishing Date:

    February 4, 2022


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders screening tools: A systematic review

The aims of this systematic review published in 2022 are to identify FASD screening tools and examine their performance characteristics.

  • Publishing Date:

    March 1, 2022


Page last updated August 31, 2024

A data driven approach to identify trajectories of prenatal alcohol consumption in an Australian population-based cohort of pregnant women

Accurate information on dose, frequency and timing of maternal alcohol consumption is critically important when investigating fetal risks from prenatal alcohol exposure. Identification of distinct alcohol use behaviours can also assist in developing directed public health messages about possible adverse child outcomes, including FASD. This study published in 2022 aimed to determine group-based trajectories of time-specific, unit-level, alcohol consumption using data from 1458 pregnant women in the Asking Questions about Alcohol in Pregnancy (AQUA) longitudinal study in Melbourne, Australia.

  • Publishing Date:

    March 14, 2022


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Integrating cultural considerations and developmental screening into an Australian First Nations child health check

This study aims to integrate cultural considerations and developmental screening into a First Nations child health check. The ‘Share and Care Check’, an optimised child health check, was co-designed with a remote Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation and led by Aboriginal Health Practitioners/Workers. Data obtained from questions regarding cultural and developmental aspects of health can assist health providers regarding the best pathway of support for a child and their family. This could ultimately contribute to closing the gap through the provision of holistic culturally appropriate services. This paper was published in 2022.

  • Publishing Date:

    March 15, 2022

Impact of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder on families

This study evaluates the impact of FASD (FASD) on child and family functioning. Caregivers of 35 children with FASD were surveyed. The study looks at Child-health-related functioning, family impact, impact on siblings and caregiver stress.

  • Publishing Date:

    March 16, 2022


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Health related behaviours expectant fathers

This study aimed to examine health-related variables in a cohort of expectant fathers to identify potential focus areas for interventions designed to optimise health and wellbeing outcomes. 498 partners of pregnant women who accessed antenatal services at a large maternity unit in a Western Australian hospital were recruited as part of the ORIGINS Project.

  • Publishing Date:

    March 30, 2022


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Practice change intervention to improve antenatal care addressing alcohol consumption during pregnancy: a randomised stepped-wedge controlled trial

Clinical guideline recommendations for addressing alcohol consumption during pregnancy are sub-optimally implemented and limited evidence exists to inform practice improvements. This study aims to estimate the effectiveness of a practice change intervention in improving the provision of antenatal care addressing alcohol consumption during pregnancy in public maternity services. A randomised stepped-wedge controlled trial was undertaken with all public maternity services in three sectors (one urban, two regional/rural) of a single local health district in New South Wales, Australia. Five thousand six hundred ninety-four interviews/online questionnaires were completed by pregnant women.

  • Publishing Date:

    April 21, 2022


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Influencing and implementing mandatory alcohol pregnancy warning labels in Australia and New Zealand

Alcohol labelling laws and policy are contentious and highly politicized. Very few countries have been able to implement health warnings on alcohol labels due to complex legal and governance systems and coordinated industry lobbying. In 2020, Australia and New Zealand implemented a mandatory and evidence-based legal standard for pregnancy warning labels on alcohol products. This article discusses some of the challenges faced in achieving policy change and how these barriers were overcome by public health advocacy groups to build the evidence, counter industry conflicts of interest, consumer test health messages, mobilize community support and gather political support.

  • Publishing Date:

    April 23, 2022


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Key Stakeholder Priorities for the Review and Update of the Australian Guide to Diagnosis of FASD: A Qualitative Descriptive Study

Since the 2016 release of the Australian Guide to the Diagnosis of FASD (FASD), considerable progress has been made in the identification and diagnosis of the disorder. As part of a larger process to review and update the Guide, this study aims to identify review priorities from a broad range of stakeholders involved in the assessment and diagnosis of FASD. Sixty-two stakeholders, including healthcare practitioners, researchers, other specialists, individuals with cultural expertise, lived experience and consumer representatives completed an online survey asking them to describe up to five priorities for the review of the Australian Guide to the Diagnosis of FASD.

  • Publishing Date:

    May 6, 2022


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Lived experience of adolescents

This paper explores the lived experiences of adolescents with FASD (FASD) to understand: the ways in which their challenges influence daily functioning; and the personal assets and external resources that facilitate participation. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with four adolescents with FASD aged 13 to 15 years. Findings illustrated the barriers adolescents experienced regarding their daily functioning and independence. Additionally, incorporating strengths into daily activities appeared to reduce anxiety and improve participation, and adolescents desired for their unique characteristics to be recognized and appreciated.

  • Publishing Date:

    May 29, 2022


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Exploring offending characteristics of young people with foetal alcohol spectrum disorder in Western Australia

Neurodevelopmental impairments resulting from FASD can increase the likelihood of justice system involvement. This study compared offence characteristics in young people with FASD to demographically matched controls in Western Australia, uncovering relationships between personal attributes and offence characteristics. After controlling for demographic factors, regression analyses showed FASD participants were more likely than controls to be charged with reckless driving, breach of bail/community orders, property damage, and disorderly behaviour. These findings suggest justice-involved individuals with FASD have unique offending profiles, having implications for sentencing, diversionary/crime prevention programs and interventions.

  • Publishing Date:

    June 12, 2022


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Developing local FASD diagnostic services and MOCs in Australia

Recognition of FASD within Australia has continued to grow, particularly with the development of the Australian Diagnostic Guide, yet the availability of FASD-specific services continues to be limited. This paper presents the views and experiences of the six sites across Australia involved indeveloping a FASD Model of Care in their local area.

  • Publishing Date:

    June 14, 2022


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Examining incarceration rates of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children

The Australian Child Rights Taskforce considers the mistreatment and over-representation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children in youth detention to be a national crisis that requires urgent action. In 2020, the unequal positioning of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children in Australia was shown by an incarceration rate that was 17 times higher than the incarceration rates of Australian youth of all other ethnicities combined. Although Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children represent only 6% of the Australian population aged 10–17 years, each day, on average they comprised 48% of those in youth detention. From age 10 years, the most vulnerable and marginalised young people in Australia, many with complex physical and mental health needs, disability needs, and social needs, are criminalised, punished, and removed from their family and community during crucial stages of their development.

  • Publishing Date:

    June 21, 2022


Page last updated August 31, 2024

The alcohol industry and social responsibility

The beverage alcohol industry (manufacture, marketing, distribution, and retail) is often seen as playing a role in FASD prevention strategies such as health warning labels. This paper explores the nature of the relationship between the industry and prevention programming. The study considers the place of alcohol in society; the prevalence, social and economic costs of FASD; the ethical notion of alcohol-related harm and then move onto the question of public health partnerships with the industry including the potential conflicts of interests and ethical challenges in such partnerships. Two case studies drawn from Canadian, Australian and New Zealand contexts are presented.

  • Publishing Date:

    June 23, 2022


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Comprehensive clinical assessment children adolescents in detention WA

This comprehensive clinical paediatric assessment examines 103 young people sentenced to detention in Western Australia (WA) and participating in the first FASD (FASD) prevalence study. The findings of multiple and serious impairments and health issues, through completion of comprehensive clinical paediatric and multidisciplinary health and neuro-developmental assessments for this study, support their routine provision to all young people on entry to systems of juvenile justice.

  • Publishing Date:

    July 1, 2022


Page last updated August 31, 2024

info sources most used by pregnant women

This study investigates where pregnant women obtain information about alcohol use in pregnancy and the relationship between the information source used and women’s demographic characteristics and alcohol use.

  • Publishing Date:

    July 13, 2022


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Altered bone and body composition

Prenatal alcohol exposure can contribute to long term adverse health outcomes. Development of the skeletal system begins at the early embryonic stage and continues into early adulthood but the effect of prenatal alcohol exposure on skeletal growth is relatively unexplored in a clinical population. This study examines bone, fat, and muscle accrual in children and adolescents diagnosed with, or at risk of, FASDs (FASDs). By adolescence, those with FASD were shorter and had lower areal bone mineral density and lean tissue mass than typically developing peers. Overall, adolescents diagnosed with FASDs had greater odds of impairments to bone and body composition.

  • Publishing Date:

    August 1, 2022


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Eye abnormalities in children with FASD

This systematic review aims to document the range and prevalence of eye abnormalities reported on children with prenatal exposure to alcohol and/ or FASD.

  • Publishing Date:

    August 27, 2022


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Effectiveness of practice change intervention in reducing alcohol consumption in pregnant women

This study examines the effect of practice change intervention to support the implementation of guideline-recommended care for addressing alcohol use in pregnancy on self-reported alcohol use during pregnancy through a randomised, stepped-wedge controlled trial within the Hunger New England Local Health District (NSW, Australia).

  • Publishing Date:

    August 30, 2022


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Codesign with a first nations community

As part of the Yapatjarrathati project, 47 remote health providers and community members attended a two-day workshop presenting a prototype of a culturally-safe, tiered neurodevelopmental assessment that can identify FASD in primary healthcare. Narrative analysis of the workshop transcript highlighted a collective sense of compassion for those who use alcohol to cope with intergenerational trauma, but exhaustion at the cyclical nature of FASD. There was a strong desire for a shared responsibility for First Nations children and families and a more prominent role for Aboriginal Health Workers in the assessment process. This study emphasised the benefit of continued co-design to ensure health implementation strategies match the needs of the community.

  • Publishing Date:

    September 6, 2022


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Evaluation outcomes of a Western Australian campaign designed to reduce alcohol use in pregnancy

This study evaluated the effectiveness of a mass media campaign highlighting the potential harms associated with drinking alcohol during pregnancy and whether this altered females’ intentions to abstain during pregnancy after campaign exposure.

  • Publishing Date:

    September 6, 2022


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Fetal Alcohol Spectrum in Australia: From Fiction to Fact and to the Future

This book chapter gives an overview of the past two decades of Australian FASD research, from fiction to fact to challenges of the future.

  • Publishing Date:

    September 8, 2022


Page last updated August 31, 2024

resources for health professionals: a scoping review protocol

People with FASD encounter a range of health and allied health providers and require specialised support to ensure health services are provided safely and effectively. However, not all health professionals possess the knowledge or expertise required for the identification, assessment, referral and management of FASD. Accessible resources for understanding and managing FASD can help create awareness in health professionals and ensure patients receive the correct diagnosis and timely access to the necessary supports and services. This scoping review aims to identify and analyse FASD resources for health professionals.

  • Publishing Date:

    September 12, 2022


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Prevalence and Patterns of PAE – sys review

This study sought to determine data collection approaches in Australian cohort studies and explore the potential impact on reported prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) prevalence and patterns. PAE prevalence was estimated as 48% (95% CI: 38 to 57%). Use of trained assessors was an influencing factor of the prevalence estimates when data were collected via interview. Alcohol-focused studies reported higher prevalence of PAE, regardless of method of survey administration. Where interviewer training is not possible, self-administered questionnaires was found most likely provide the most reliable PAE estimates.

  • Publishing Date:

    October 1, 2022


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Embedding MECC in- Jandu Yani U

This study evaluated the use of the Model of Engaging Communities Collaboratively (MECC) to guide the Jandu Yani U (For All Families) project, in which the Triple P – Positive Parenting Program was collaboratively adapted for use in very remote Aboriginal communities in Western Australia.

  • Publishing Date:

    October 5, 2022


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Adverse Childhood experiences associated stressors and comorbidities

People with FAS are at risk of having adverse childhood experiences, especially those with child protection and/or justice system involvement. The complex relationship between FASD and psychosocial vulnerabilities in the affected individual is an important clinical risk factor for comorbidity. This study explored the ACEs and associated stressors in individuals with FASD, investigated the association between ACEs and negative outcomes, and examined the relationship between ACEs and comorbid conditions such as mood and neurodevelopmental disorders.

  • Publishing Date:

    October 9, 2022


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Adverse childhood experiences, associated stressors and comorbidities in children and youth with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder across the justice and child protection settings in Western Australia

This study published in 2021 explored the adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and associated stressors in individuals with FASD; compared the ACEs profiles of those who had been involved with the child protection system only, justice system only, both or neither; examined the relationship between ACEs and comorbid conditions such as mood and neurodevelopmental disorders.

  • Publishing Date:

    October 10, 2022


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Twitter activity on alcohol and pregnancy

Research has suggested that information communicated by public health and industry-funded organizations differ, as organizations linked to industry have tended to downplay risks with alcohol more broadly and pregnancy specifically. This study describes communication of health risks associated with alcohol use during pregnancy on Twitter by Australian-based organizations and stakeholders. 

  • Publishing Date:

    October 18, 2022


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Perceptions of 2 different alcohol use behaviours during pregnancy

This study explored whether exposure to either an ‘ambiguous consumption’ prototype (no amount of alcohol specified) or a ‘small consumption’ prototype (‘small’ amount of alcohol specified) had an impact on prototype perceptions of, and willingness to use, small amounts of alcohol during pregnancy.

  • Publishing Date:

    November 6, 2022


Page last updated August 31, 2024

International Survey of Specialist Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Diagnostic Clinics: Comparison of Diagnostic Approach and Considerations Regarding the Potential for Unification

This study captures an international perspective on current FASD diagnostic criteria, as well as potential barriers and facilitators towards a globally unified approach to FASD diagnosis. A lack of collaboration was identified as a key barrier, while strong leadership in guideline creation and implementation emerged as a central facilitator. These barriers and facilitators can be used to guide future collaborative efforts towards implementing consistent diagnostic criteria.

  • Publishing Date:

    November 25, 2022


Page last updated August 31, 2024

improving executive functions in children

Consequences for children born with birth defects and developmental disabilities encompassed by FASD are profound, affecting all areas of social, behavioural and cognitive functioning. Given the strong evidence for a core deficit in executive functioning, underpinned by impaired self-regulation skills, there has been a growing focus on the development of interventions that enhance or support the development of executive functions. This review aims to synthesise the evidence for structured psychological interventions that explicitly aim to improve executive function in children. The review also sought to ascertain if the effectiveness of interventions were influenced by characteristics of the intervention, participants or type of executive function targeted by the intervention.

  • Publishing Date:

    November 29, 2022


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Criminogenic risk factors and informant-rated everyday executive functioning in predicting the age of offending onset in young people with FASD

This study aims to improve understanding of criminogenic risk factors, particularly the role of informant-rated executive functioning in the age of offending onset among young people. the study reviewed 100 file records to gather information on criminogenic factors (out-of-home care, adverse childhood experiences, school disengagement, negative peer association, age of substance use onset), and found only age of substance use onset to be a significant predictor of age of offending onset.

  • Publishing Date:

    November 30, 2022


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Differential effectiveness of a practice change intervention to improve antenatal care addressing alcohol consumption during pregnancy: Exploratory subgroup analyses within a randomised stepped-wedge controlled trial

This study explored whether the effectiveness of practice change intervention on provision of antenatal care addsing alcohol consumpmption differed between subgroups of pregnant women and types and location of maternity services. These exploratory results suggest that the intervention may have had similar effects between different subgroups of women and types and location of services, with the exception of women who were non-Aboriginal and women who had not consumed alcohol, for whom the intervention was potentially more effective.

  • Publishing Date:

    January 1, 2023


Page last updated August 31, 2024

FASD and Risk-Need-Responsivity Model: A guide for criminal justice and forensic mental health professionals

FASD is a high prevalence but underdiagnosed group of disorders affecting between 17 and 36% of individuals in criminal justice settings. Little research has been completed on how to best support individuals with these conditions in criminal justice settings. This article proposes a renewed focus on applying and adapting the Risk-Need-Responsivity (RNR) approach to individuals with FASD in criminal justice settings. This will assist in better determining the needs and interventions likely to effect change and reduce recidivism for this prominent criminal justice-based population. The RNR approach has been used with multiple corrections populations to determine the need and most appropriate interventions, as well as how to best allocate scarce resources. As the prevalence of FASD becomes better understood and recognized, evidence-based approaches to addressing this specific sub-population are necessary to effect change and reduce recidivism and ongoing involvement in the criminal justice system.

  • Publishing Date:

    January 27, 2023


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Scoping review of employment resources for individuals with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder and justice involvement

Individuals with FASD are over-represented within the justice system and have significant employment challenges. The primary aim of this scoping review was to ascertain available employment resources for FASD individuals particularly those involved in the justice system. Secondary aims were to determine available evidence-based interventions for the justice workforce and employment providers.

  • Publishing Date:

    February 17, 2023


Page last updated August 31, 2024

An investigation of the utility of the Australian Guide to theDiagnosis of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder in young children

Early diagnosis of children with FASD assists in implementing critical early support. The challenge lies in having a diagnostic process that enables valid and reliable assessment of domains of functioning in young children, with the added complexity that many children will also have co-occurring exposure to childhood adversity that is likely to impact these domains. This study examines diagnostic assessment of FASD in young children using the Australian Guide to the Diagnosis of FASD. Ninety-four children (aged 3 to 7 years) with confirmed or suspected prenatal alcohol exposure were referred to two specialist FASD clinics for assessment in Queensland, Australia.

  • Publishing Date:

    February 21, 2023


Page last updated August 31, 2024

FASDs – Primer

This review paper gives a comprehensive overview of FASD research globally. This paper includes a review of: international prevalence of FASD; the mechanisms and pathophysiology of prenatal alcohol exposure; diagnosis, screening and prevention; management; quality of life; and outlook.

  • Publishing Date:

    February 23, 2023


Page last updated August 31, 2024

It takes a village: Influencing policy and practice to prevent alcohol use in pregnancy and promote better outcomes for individuals living with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder

The FASD Research Australia Centre of Research Excellence (CRE) was funded by the National Health and Medical Research Council to generate and translate evidence to address prevention, diagnosis, and management of FASD in Australia. Published in 2022, this paper describes the approach to policy and practice impact taken by this CRE, including stakeholder engagement processes and the key principles that underlie the approach. The publication provides examples of policy and practice influence in FASD prevention, diagnosis and management that have been achieved over the past five years and discusses challenges that are routinely faced in the translation of work.

  • Publishing Date:

    March 1, 2023


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Renewed call to improve approaches for developing fetalalcohol spectrum disorder diagnostic criteria: Commentary on“Comparison of three systems for the diagnosis of fetal alcohol spectrum disorders in a community sample”

There have been significant advances in assessment processes and diagnostic criteria since the effects of prenatal alcohol exposure were first described in the medical literature. However, a key issue that continues to plague the FASD field is a lack of agreement regarding terminology, and criteria for describing and diagnosing FASD. A significant opportunity exists for the FASD field to work together and utilise the best available evidence to advance an empirically based approach to FASD diagnosis.

  • Publishing Date:

    March 13, 2023


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Development of an Australian FASD Indigenous Framework: Aboriginal Healing-Informed and Strengths-Based Ways of Knowing, Being and Doing

Underpinned by an Indigenist research methodology, this article presents findings from a collaboration of Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal peoples to develop an Australian FASD (FASD) Indigenous Framework during 2021 to 2023. The FASD Indigenous Framework unfolds the changes that non-Aboriginal clinicians and Aboriginal peoples each need to make in their respective ways of knowing, being and doing in order to facilitate access to healing-informed, strengths-based and culturally responsive FASD knowledge, assessment, diagnosis and support services among Aboriginal peoples. These knowledges were mapped against Aboriginal cultural responsiveness and wellbeing frameworks and collaboratively and iteratively reflected upon throughout. This article brings together Aboriginal wisdom (strengths-based, healing-informed approaches grounded in holistic and integrated support) and Western wisdom (biomedicine and therapeutic models) in relation to FASD.

  • Publishing Date:

    March 22, 2023

Exploring the experience of service users following attendance at astudent-led interprofessional neurodevelopmental clinic

This study aims to understand service users’ experiences at a recently established student-led interprofessional neurodevelopmental clinic for children and adolescents with suspected or confirmed prenatal alcohol exposure.

  • Publishing Date:

    April 8, 2023


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Prenatal alcohol exposure risk perception dimensions and influencing factors: A systematic review and conceptual model

This paper explores the available literature to understand how risks regarding prenatal alcohol exposure are perceived.Three dimensions of risk perceptions were identified—perceived susceptibility, perceived severity, and affective risk perception. Three influencing factors of these dimensions were also identified: information, sociocultural, and individual. These dimensions and influencing factors were brought together to create the proposed novel Pregnancy Alcohol Risk Perception (PARP) conceptual model.

  • Publishing Date:

    April 17, 2023


Page last updated August 31, 2024

FASDs and Social Work Practice in Australia: A Narrative Literature Review

This review explores literature informing Australian social work in the context of FASD. It highlights the need for increased social work research to inform evidence-based practice (in FASD diagnosis and management using the biopsychosocial-spiritual-cultural framework. Social workers are often first to identify children’s emotional, behavioural, and learning difficulties that may be a characteristic of FASD.

  • Publishing Date:

    April 20, 2023


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Effectiveness of interventions for school-aged-children and adolescents with FASD: a systematic review and meta-analysis

This systematic review describes allied health and educational interventions and their effectiveness for children and adolescents with FASD (FASD), to appraise the quality and strength of these studies. The systematic review included 25 studies with 735 participants. Body function and structure, activity, behaviour, and sense of self outcomes were pooled.

  • Publishing Date:

    May 9, 2023


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Lived experiences of the diagnostic assessment process for FASD: A systematic review of qualitative evidence

Individuals with lived experience of FASD hold expertise on their own lives and family needs, and their insights on the assessment and diagnostic process are valuable to improving service delivery and informing the provision of meaningful, person- and family-centred care. This systematic review draws on qualitative evidence on the lived experiences of the diagnostic assessment process for FASD.

  • Publishing Date:

    May 12, 2023


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Intention to Engage in Alcohol Use during Pregnancy: The Role of Attitudes and Prototypes

This study aims to explore alcohol use intentions during pregnancy, using variables from the theory of planned behavior, the prototype/willingness model and personality variables. the study also investigated whether priming participants with exposure to prototypes describing different alcohol use behaviors had an impact on intentions. 746 women aged 20 to 45 years, were randomized to be prompted to think of one of two different types of behaviors, i.e., small level of alcohol use in pregnancy and ambiguous level of alcohol use in pregnancy. they then completed measures of theoretical variables, impulsivity, venturesomeness, and self-efficacy. Participants then answered whether they intended to use alcohol during a future pregnancy.

  • Publishing Date:

    May 30, 2023


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Three-year formal review of the implementation of the National FASD (FASD) Strategic Action Plan 2018-2028: Final Evaluation Report, June 2022

This report shares review findings of the National FASD (FASD) Strategic Action Plan 2018-2028 implementation. The review’s aim is to inform the Australian Government if the plan is on-track to achieving its goals.

  • Publishing Date:

    June 15, 2023

Understanding the impacts of childhood adversity on sleep problems in children with FASD: A comparison of cumulative and dimensional approaches

Children with FASD have PAE and significant sleep disturbances. What is not clear is the relative contribution of exposure to early life adversity to these disturbances. This study examines how exposure to adversity impacts frequent insomnia symptoms and nightmares in children with FASD and “At Risk” designations.

  • Publishing Date:

    July 21, 2023


Page last updated August 31, 2024

An evaluation of a multi-site FASD models of care project

This paper evaluates a project across six sites in Australia which aimed to help increase FASD knowledge and diagnostic capacity.

  • Publishing Date:

    July 24, 2023


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Poll snapshot: Pregnancy health warning on alcoholic products

From 31 July 2023, alcoholic products sold in Australia and New Zealand will be required by law to display a visible pregnancy health warning. Since this decision in July 2020 for these warnings to be mandated, they have been appearing on alcoholic products. This national poll asked Australians to recall whether they have seen the pregnancy health warning on alcoholic

  • Publishing Date:

    July 26, 2023


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Valuing the voice of lived experience as an imperative to address pre-natal alcohol exposure and FASD: “You can’t fly yet!”. Commentary on “E-learning for FASD: an environmental scan of the scope and content of free online training modules” (Bagley et al., 2022)

This paper explores the importance of incorporating lived experience into training for clinicians and health professionals working with people with FASD and their families.

  • Publishing Date:

    August 16, 2023


Page last updated August 31, 2024

FASD and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander men: A discussion to be had

This paper discusses various areas for increased involvement by Indigenous men in future FASD research, prevention, care and support.

  • Publishing Date:

    September 5, 2023

Factors to be considered as part of a holistic assessment for FASD: A scoping review

This article explores factors outside of current FASD diagnostic criteria that could be included as part of a holistic assessment process to ensure better support to improve outcomes.

  • Publishing Date:

    September 13, 2023


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Exploring resource implications and models of care for assessment and diagnosis of FASD: A scoping review

This scoping review looked at the evidence available for understanding the resource implications and service features for the assessment and diagnostic process for FASD.

  • Publishing Date:

    September 26, 2023


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Neurocognitive and self-reported psychosocial and behavioral functioning in siblings of individuals with neurodevelopmental conditions: a study using remote self-administered testing

This paper looked at the neurocognitive profiles of the siblings of people with and without neurodevelopmental conditions (NDCs), and if there were associations with objective test performance and self-reported psychosocial functioning.

  • Publishing Date:

    October 1, 2023


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Effects of prenatal alcohol exposure on infant lung function, wheeze, and respiratory infections in Australian children

This study looks at whether lung function, wheeze, and the number of respiratory infections is different for children with prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) compared with children who were not exposed.

  • Publishing Date:

    October 17, 2023


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Bigiswun Kid Project: a longitudinal study of adolescents living with high rates of prenatal alcohol exposure, fetal alcohol spectrum disorder and early life trauma in remote Australian Aboriginal communities

The Lililwan Project was the first Australian population-based prevalence study of FASD (FASD) using active case ascertainment. Conducted in 2010-2011, the study included 95% of all eligible children aged 7-9 years living in the very remote Aboriginal communities of the Fitzroy Valley, Western Australia. The Bigiswun Kid Project follows up the Lililwan cohort in 2020-2022 at age 17-19 years. The aims of this project are to identify adolescents’ needs and build knowledge to inform services to improve the health and well-being of adolescents in remote Aboriginal communities.

  • Publishing Date:

    October 25, 2023

Editorial: Perspectives and recent advances in FASDs research

This editorial looks at the Frontiers in Neuroscience Research Topic titled: Perspectives and recent advances in FASDs research.

  • Publishing Date:

    December 15, 2023


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Caregivers’ perspectives of support needs for adolescents with FASD

This study used semi-structured interviews to explore the perspectives of seven caregivers of adolescents with FASD (FASD) in Australia.

  • Publishing Date:

    January 9, 2024


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Strong Born

This paper outlines the development and co-design of the “Strong Born” Campaign, which was created by the National Aboriginal Community Health Controlled Organisation in order to address a gap in health promotion around FASD in Aboriginal Communities.

  • Publishing Date:

    January 10, 2024


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Neuropsychological profiles of adolescents sentenced to detention in Western Australia with and without prenatal alcohol exposure

This study looked at the neuropsychological profiles of adolescents with and without prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) and identified neuropsychological tasks predictive of PAE-group membership.

  • Publishing Date:

    January 23, 2024


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Australian psychologists’ knowledge, confidence, and practices in FASD diagnostic assessment

This study looked at Australian psychologists’ baseline levels of knowledge and practices in the assessment of FASD in order to develop training and improve future diagnostic capacity.

  • Publishing Date:

    February 4, 2024


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Review of FASD Interventions

This systematic review of 32 studies highlighted that most FASD research focused on 3-12 year olds and that there is growing evidence for the effectiveness of interventions.

  • Publishing Date:

    August 26, 2024


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Knowledge and experiences relating to alcohol consumption in pregnancy

This study examined what information is being provided to women and their partners during pregnancy about alcohol use..

  • Publishing Date:

    August 26, 2024


Page last updated August 31, 2024

FASD in Australia – the future is prevention

This article highlights efforts up until 2014 to recognise and prevent FASD in Australia. ..

  • Publishing Date:

    August 26, 2024


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Message on a bottle

Are mothers-to-be adequately informed about the dangers of drinking during pregnancy?

  • Publishing Date:

    August 26, 2024


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Conversations about alcohol and pregnancy

This study examines how the Australian media portray alcohol and pregnancy and how women respond…

  • Publishing Date:

    August 26, 2024


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Prevalence of FAS in children living in remote Australia

This study aimed to determine how common fetal alcohol syndrome and partial fetal alcohol syndrome was in the Fitzroy Valley…

  • Publishing Date:

    August 26, 2024


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Prevalence and patterns of alcohol use in pregnancy

A survey of caregivers in the Fitzroy Valley was carried out to determine how common alcohol use was and what were the patterns use…

  • Publishing Date:

    August 26, 2024


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Inquiry into the harmful use of alcohol in ATSIC communities

Australian Government report into the harmful use of alcohol in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities…

  • Publishing Date:

    August 26, 2024


Page last updated August 31, 2024

FASD: A consideration of sentencing and unreliable confessions

This article reviews legal approaches in Australia, New Zealand and internationally…

  • Publishing Date:

    August 26, 2024


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Knowledge and practices of health professionals concerning alcohol consumption during pregnancy

This study explores the advice that health professionals provide to pregnant women about alcohol consumption…

  • Publishing Date:

    August 26, 2024


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Increasing accurate self-report in surveys of pregnancy alcohol use

This study aimed to identify the factors which would allow women to provide accurate data on alcohol use in pregnancy.

  • Publishing Date:

    August 26, 2024


Page last updated August 31, 2024

State intervention in pregnancy: the law and FASD

This article considers whether or not the law in Australia should respond to the problem of FASD by allowing the involuntary treatment and detention of pregnant women.

  • Publishing Date:

    August 26, 2024


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Commentary on Australian FASD diagnostic guidelines

This commentary considers the issues around the need for a single diagnostic criteria internationally…

  • Publishing Date:

    August 26, 2024


Page last updated August 31, 2024

A modified Delphi study of screening for FASD

This study assessed the perceptions among health professionals about screening for FASD in Australia…

  • Publishing Date:

    August 26, 2024


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Recommendations from a consensus workshop on the diagnosis of FASD

A panel of 13 health professionals, researchers, and consumer and community representatives attended a 2-day consensus development workshop…

  • Publishing Date:

    August 26, 2024


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Counting FASD in Australia: The evidence and the challenges

This review provides an overview on how common FASD is in Australia (its prevalence) and the need for better data to inform this knowledge…

  • Publishing Date:

    August 26, 2024


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Promoting Abstinence From Alcohol During Pregnancy: Implications From Formative Research

This article reports on the beliefs and attitudes of women in Western Australia to alcohol use during pregnancy and motivations for behaviour change…

  • Publishing Date:

    August 26, 2024


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Development of a reliable questionnaire to assist in the diagnosis of FASD

This study aimed to assess the value of a FASD assessment tool for use in remote Aboriginal communities in Australia…

  • Publishing Date:

    August 26, 2024


Page last updated August 31, 2024

FASD and the law in Australia: the need for awareness and concern to translate into urgent action

This article discusses the challenges that FASD presents to the legal system and laws in Australia…

  • Publishing Date:

    August 26, 2024


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Involving consumers and the community in the development of a diagnostic instrument for FASD

This article reports on community involvement in a project to develop a diagnostic instrument for FASD in Australia…

  • Publishing Date:

    August 26, 2024


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Better health services needed to break cycle of juvenile offending

Young people need to be properly assessed for cognitive impairment or functional problems.

  • Publishing Date:

    August 26, 2024


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Explainer: foetal alcohol spectrum disorders

This article discusses the strategies to address foetal alcohol spectrum disorder with a focus on prevention.

  • Publishing Date:

    August 26, 2024


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Investigating the relationship between birth defects and prenatal alcohol exposure

This study investigated what proportion of birth defects are related to alcohol use during pregnancy.

  • Publishing Date:

    August 26, 2024


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Health professionals’ perceptions of FASD guidelines

This article reports on a survey of health professionals to evaluate their familiarity with and use of five existing diagnostic guidelines for FASD.

  • Publishing Date:

    August 26, 2024


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Diagnostic criteria for FASDs in Australia

This article reports on a survey of health professionals to evaluate their familiarity with and use of five existing diagnostic guidelines for FASD.

  • Publishing Date:

    August 26, 2024


Page last updated August 31, 2024

FASD – development of consensus referral criteria

  • Publishing Date:

    August 26, 2024


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Fine Motor Skills in Children With FASD

This systematic review examined which fine motor skills are impaired in children with FASD and prenatal alcohol exposure…

  • Publishing Date:

    August 26, 2024


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Alcohol-use disorders during and within one year of pregnancy

This article examined alcohol-use disorders in pregnant women and the extent of under-reporting…

  • Publishing Date:

    August 26, 2024


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency-Short Form is reliable in children living in remote Australian Aboriginal communities

This study evaluated whether a standard measure of motor skills used in FASD diagnosis was applicable to an Aboriginal population of children.

  • Publishing Date:

    August 26, 2024


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Responding to the impact of FASD in Australia

The Australian Government’s FASD Action Plan inform future direction to address the harmful impact of FASD on children and families.

  • Publishing Date:

    August 26, 2024


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder: the invisible disability

Western Australian Government report into FASD in the state.

  • Publishing Date:

    August 26, 2024


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Access to Justice Arrangements

The Productivity Commission’s report into equitable access to legal and justice system for all Australians.

  • Publishing Date:

    August 26, 2024


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Education, safe drinking practices and FASD in Kimberley

This study was conducted in the Kimberly region (Western Australia) to determine what factors are associated with knowledge about drinking during pregnancy.

  • Publishing Date:

    August 26, 2024


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Alcohol Use during Pregnancy: Considerations for Australian Policy

This article identifies issues which should guide FASD policy development in Australia.

  • Publishing Date:

    August 26, 2024


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Messages that increase women’s intentions to abstain from alcohol during pregnancy

This study evaluated three different advertising concepts addressing alcohol and pregnancy with women living in Perth…

  • Publishing Date:

    August 26, 2024


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Midwives’ knowledge, attitudes and practice about alcohol exposure

This study investigates midwives’ knowledge, attitudes and practice in relation to alcohol consumption during pregnancy and FASD.

  • Publishing Date:

    August 26, 2024


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Study protocol: Asking Questions about Alcohol in pregnancy

This article provides an overview of the Asking Questions about Alcohol (AQUA) study which examines the effects of low to moderate alcohol use during pregnancy.

  • Publishing Date:

    August 26, 2024


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Australia plays “catch up” with FASD

This article provides an overview of FASD policy, health prevention, diagnosis and management in Australia.

  • Publishing Date:

    August 26, 2024


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Supporting pregnant women who use alcohol or other drugs

This report looks at ways to support women who use alcohol during pregnancy and the best methods to reduce these behaviours.

  • Publishing Date:

    August 26, 2024


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Gross Motor Deficits in Children Prenatally Exposed to Alcohol

This review looked at gross motor skills in children with FASD where moderate to heavy drinking was carried out during pregnancy.

  • Publishing Date:

    August 26, 2024


Page last updated August 31, 2024

The Lililwan Project protocol for study of the prevalence of FASD in remote Australia

This article outlines the protocols established to guide a study into how common (i.e the prevalence) of FASD was in the Fitzroy Valley in Western Australia.

  • Publishing Date:

    August 26, 2024


Page last updated August 31, 2024

FASD: The Hidden Harm – Inquiry into FASD

Landmark Australian Government report into FASD in Australia.

  • Publishing Date:

    August 26, 2024


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Guidelines for pregnancy – what’s an acceptable risk

This article reviews the evidence of risks in fetal development from low to moderate levels of prenatal drinking.

  • Publishing Date:

    August 26, 2024


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Heavy prenatal alcohol exposure and increased risk of stillbirth

This Western Australian study investigated the link between heavy prenatal drinking and stillbirth.

  • Publishing Date:

    August 26, 2024


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Screening for alcohol and drug use in pregnancy

This study investigated the accuracy and ease of use of screening for alcohol and other drugs at an antenatal service.

  • Publishing Date:

    August 26, 2024


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Indigenous youth in the criminal justice system

Australian Government report into the high levels of involvement of Indigenous juveniles and young adults in the criminal justice system.

  • Publishing Date:

    August 26, 2024


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Attitudes and behaviour predict women’s intention to drink alcohol during pregnancy

This study examined women’s alcohol consumption in pregnancy and potential predictors of alcohol consumption.

  • Publishing Date:

    August 26, 2024


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Prevalence and predictors of alcohol use in pregnancy

The aim of this study is to determine the prevalence and correlates of alcohol use in pregnancy and lactation.

  • Publishing Date:

    August 26, 2024


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Women’s knowledge and attitudes regarding alcohol consumption in pregnancy

This study surveyed 1103 Australian women about their knowledge and attitudes related to drinking alcohol during pregnancy.

  • Publishing Date:

    August 26, 2024


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Recording a history of alcohol use in pregnancy

This study aimed to assess the effectiveness of alcohol documentation in a Child Development Service and the knowledge, attitudes and practice of health practitioners.

  • Publishing Date:

    August 26, 2024


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Prenatal alcohol exposure, fetal growth and preterm birth

While the findings of the meta-analysis should reassure women who have consumed alcohol at low levels during pregnancy, the risk of fetal growth and preterm birth increased.

  • Publishing Date:

    August 26, 2024


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Prenatal Alcohol Exposure and Educational Achievement in Children

This study examined the relationships between prenatal alcohol exposure and achievement in reading, writing, spelling and numeracy in children.

  • Publishing Date:

    August 26, 2024


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Intellectual disability estimates attributable to maternal alcohol use disorder

This study examined the association between maternal alcohol use disorder (AUD) and intellectual disability in children.

  • Publishing Date:

    August 26, 2024


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Do abstinence policies have unintended consequences

This commentary explores the possibility that a policy of abstinence (i.e not drinking alcohol) for pregnant women may lead to termination of pregnancy.

  • Publishing Date:

    August 26, 2024


Page last updated August 31, 2024

There’s hope in the valley

This article describes the background to a FASD prevalence study which commenced in 2010 in the Fitzroy Valley in Western Australia.

  • Publishing Date:

    August 26, 2024


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Health initiatives by Indigenous people in Australia

This article explores the fact that the rate of infant deaths is three times higher in indigenous children than non-indigenous Australians.

  • Publishing Date:

    August 26, 2024


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Midwives and pregnant women talk about alcohol

This article reports on a survey of health professionals to evaluate their familiarity with and use of five existing diagnostic guidelines for FASD.

  • Publishing Date:

    August 26, 2024


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Characteristics associated with alcohol use in pregnancy

This study analysed population data about mothers who used alcohol in pregnancy and their geographic location (metropolitan, regional and remote).

  • Publishing Date:

    August 26, 2024


Page last updated August 31, 2024

RE-AIM evaluation of the Alcohol and Pregnancy Project

This article evaluates the Alcohol and Pregnancy Project which targeted health professionals in Western Australia.

  • Publishing Date:

    August 26, 2024


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Health professionals’ knowledge, attitudes and practice about FASD

This study evaluated an education program alcohol consumption in pregnancy and fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) targetting health professionals in Western Australia.

  • Publishing Date:

    August 26, 2024


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Paediatricians’ knowledge, attitudes and practice of FASD

This study aimed to assess the knowledge, attitudes and practice of paediatricians in Western Australia in relation to fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS).

  • Publishing Date:

    August 26, 2024


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Researchers’ experience with project management

This article outlines a project management approach used in the Alcohol and Pregnancy Project.

  • Publishing Date:

    August 26, 2024


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Collaborating with consumer and community representatives

This article outlines a project management approach used in the Alcohol and Pregnancy Project.

  • Publishing Date:

    August 26, 2024


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Health professionals addressing alcohol use with pregnant women

This article discusses the barriers health professionals have to addressing prenatal alcohol use and the strategies to overcome them.

  • Publishing Date:

    August 26, 2024


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Pregnant women’s compliance with different alcohol guidelines

This study aimed to assess women’s compliance with different Australian guidelines on alcohol intake during pregnancy.

  • Publishing Date:

    August 26, 2024


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Attention-deficit hyperactivity and FASDs in children

This article considers the relationship between FASD and ADHD and whether some of the interventions used in ADHD may be adapted for people with FASD.

  • Publishing Date:

    August 26, 2024


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Alcohol consumption during pregnancy

The effect of alcohol consumption in pregnancy depends on the amount of alcohol consumed each time, the frequency and duration of alcohol use.

  • Publishing Date:

    August 26, 2024


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Prenatal alcohol classification accounting for dose, pattern and timing

This study considered the use of the “composite method” in assessment of alcohol effects on the fetus.

  • Publishing Date:

    August 26, 2024


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Prenatal alcohol exposure and risk of birth defects

This study investigated the association between dose, pattern, and timing of prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) and birth defects. Compared with abstinence, heavy alcohol use in the first trimester was associated with a fourfold increase in risk of birth defects. The study found no association between low or moderate prenatal alcohol exposure and birth defects.

  • Publishing Date:

    August 26, 2024


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Dose, pattern and timing of prenatal alcohol exposure and child behaviour problems

This 8-year longitudinal study of mothers who drank alcohol during their pregnancy looked at the impact on behaviours in children over two years old.

  • Publishing Date:

    August 26, 2024


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Congenital anomalies – why bother?

This article looks at the challenge of convincing governments to collect information on congenital anomalies (also called birth defects).

  • Publishing Date:

    August 26, 2024


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Age at diagnosis of birth defects

This study aimed to assess the value of extending notification to the Western Australian birth defects register beyond the age of one.

  • Publishing Date:

    August 26, 2024


Page last updated August 31, 2024

How Maori women negotiate drinking alcohol

Unpublished Masters Thesis
Massey University, Wellington New Zealand

  • Publishing Date:

    August 26, 2024


Page last updated August 31, 2024

National diagnostic capacity for FASD

The challenge for the Australian health professional is agreeing on a model for diagnosing and treating FASD.

  • Publishing Date:

    August 26, 2024


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Review of interventions for children with FASD

This systematic review aims to identify and evaluate the evidence for drug and non-drug interventions for children with FASD.

  • Publishing Date:

    August 26, 2024


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Prenatal alcohol exposure and language delay in 2-year-old children

This study aimed to investigate the association of dose and timing of prenatal alcohol exposure with early language acquisition.

  • Publishing Date:

    August 26, 2024


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Effect of maternal alcohol consumption on fetal growth and preterm birth

This study investigated the relationship between alcohol use during pregnancy and the size of babies in Western Australia.

  • Publishing Date:

    August 26, 2024


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Rare childhood diseases: how should we respond?

The author argues for a national approach in Australia to data gathering for children with rare diseases, such as FASD…

  • Publishing Date:

    August 26, 2024


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Pregnancy characteristics of women giving birth to children with FAS

This study reviewed pregnancy records of women with children diagnosed with fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) at a Queensland hospital.

  • Publishing Date:

    August 26, 2024


Page last updated August 31, 2024

International survey of diagnostic services for FASD

This article describes specialist clinical services which diagnose and assess children exposed to alcohol in pregnancy around the world.

  • Publishing Date:

    August 26, 2024


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Alcohol and pregnancy: the pivotal role of the obstetrician

This article highlights the pivotal role obstetricians play in advising women of the effects of alcohol on the fetus and reducing fetal exposure.

  • Publishing Date:

    August 26, 2024


Page last updated August 31, 2024

FAS: national surveillance study

This study aimed to describe the causes and effects of fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) as observed by Australian paediatricians.

  • Publishing Date:

    August 26, 2024


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Impacts of national surveillance for uncommon conditions in childhood

A review of the Australian Paediatric Surveillance Unit (APSU) services over the past 14 years.

  • Publishing Date:

    August 26, 2024


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Cognitive and mental health impairments in the criminal justice system

NSW report investigates opportunities to enhance diversion at all stages of the criminal justice system for people with cognitive and mental health impairments.

  • Publishing Date:

    August 26, 2024


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Alcohol consumption during pregnancy in non-indigenous women

This study investigated alcohol use in women in Western Australia around the time of conception.

  • Publishing Date:

    August 26, 2024


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Prevalence of FAS in Victoria

This study aimed to establish how common (i.e prevalence) of fetal alcohol syndrome is in the state of Victoria.

  • Publishing Date:

    August 26, 2024


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Prenatal alcohol exposure and attention, learning and intellectual ability at 14 years

This study examined the effects of moderate levels of alcohol consumption during pregnancy on 14 year-old children’s intellectual ability, learning and attention.

  • Publishing Date:

    August 26, 2024


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Impacts of alcohol use in pregnancy – the role of the GP

This article discusses the clinical features of FASD and the role of the general practitioner in prevention and management.

  • Publishing Date:

    August 26, 2024


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Review of policies on alcohol use during pregnancy in Australia

This review considered international policies and guidelines related to drinking alcohol during pregnancy.

  • Publishing Date:

    August 26, 2024


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Substance use, psychological distress and violence among pregnant women

This study aimed to identify the prevalence and characteristics of women using drugs and alcohol while pregnant or breastfeeding.

  • Publishing Date:

    August 26, 2024


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Use of record linkage to examine alcohol use in pregnancy

This study aimed to examine the obstetric and newborn outcomes for women with an alcohol-related hospital admission during pregnancy.

  • Publishing Date:

    August 26, 2024


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Survey of paediatricians’ knowledge, attitudes and practice: FAS diagnosis

This study aimed to assess paediatricians’ knowledge, attitudes and practices of fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) and alcohol use during pregnancy.

  • Publishing Date:

    August 26, 2024


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Review of self-reported alcohol intake among women

This study aimed to identify the characteristics of women who consume alcohol during pregnancy.

  • Publishing Date:

    August 26, 2024


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Health professionals’ knowledge, practice and opinions about FAS

This study investigated the knowledge, attitudes and behaviours of health professionals related to drinking and pregnancy.

  • Publishing Date:

    August 26, 2024


Page last updated August 31, 2024

FAS in Australia: fact or fiction?

There is an urgent need for research to provide accurate information on the frequency of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) in specific communities.

  • Publishing Date:

    August 26, 2024


Page last updated August 31, 2024

FAS: diagnosis, epidemiology, and developmental outcomes

This review of the literature for fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) aims to provide an understanding of the diagnostic features, causes and effects of FAS.

  • Publishing Date:

    August 26, 2024


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Prevalence of FAS in Top End of NT

This study aimed to establish the prevalence of fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) in the top end of the Northern Territory.

  • Publishing Date:

    August 26, 2024


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Ascertainment of birth defects

This study investigated effects of adding a new source of data from the Rural Paediatric Service to statistics about birth defects in Western Australian children.

  • Publishing Date:

    August 26, 2024


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Evidence for preventing FAS

This article reviews the effectiveness of prevention programs in lowering the incidence of FAS.

  • Publishing Date:

    August 26, 2024


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Low to moderate maternal alcohol use and neurobehavioural outcome in the newborn infant

This study looked at infant outcomes of mothers drinking prior to pregnancy.

  • Publishing Date:

    August 26, 2024


Page last updated August 31, 2024

Alcohol consumption, pregnancy, and low birthweight

This study investigated the relationship between alcohol consumption during pregnancy and birthweight of 900 women.

  • Publishing Date:

    August 26, 2024


Page last updated August 31, 2024

FAS implications to family and society in Australia

This article illustrates seven cases of fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS).

  • Publishing Date:

    August 26, 2024


Page last updated August 31, 2024