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Physiological self-regulation and mindfulness in children with a diagnosis of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder

The objective of this study was to explore the differences in baseline respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA) between children with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) and typically developing children (TDC) and to investigate whether children with FASD have the capacity to engage in a brief mindfulness exercise.
  • Publishing Date:

    10 April, 2018

  • Journal Name:

    Developmental Neurorehabilitation

  • Authors:

    Natasha Reid, Paul Harnett, Frances O’Callaghan, Doug Shelton, Melissa Wyllie, Sharon Dawe

Obstetric and perinatal outcomes in pregnancies with isolated foetal congenital heart abnormalities

This was a retrospective cohort study of women that delivered an infant with an isolated major CHD between January 2010 and April 2017 at a major Australian perinatal centre. The study cohort was compared with a cohort of women with infants without CHD. Cardiac abnormalities were broadly subdivided into the following five categories using the International Classification of Diseases Tenth Revision (ICD-10) as a guide – transposition of the great arteries (TGA), septal defects, right heart lesions (RHL), left heart lesions (LHL), and “other”. Demographic characteristics and obstetric, intrapartum, and perinatal outcomes were compared between the two cohorts.
  • Publishing Date:

    3 March, 2018

  • Journal Name:

    The Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine

  • Authors:

    Cathy Liu, Jade Lodge, Christopher Flatley, Alexander Gooi, Cameron Ward, Karen Eagleson & Sailesh Kumar

Assessing motor skills to inform a Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder diagnosis focusing on persons older than 12 years: A systematic review of the literature

This review aimed to examine the extent and common types of motor impairment present in persons aged over 12 years prenatally exposed to alcohol as evidence for determining the skills that should be assessed and addressed in intervention. Researchers found some evidence that difficulties with fine motor skills, visual motor integration, and balance skills persist in people who have been prenatally exposed to alcohol. However, most studies did not focus on adolescent or adult participants in isolation, making it difficult to generalize results. It was concluded that a review of functional difficulties in each individual would be required to determine if a motor assessment is warranted.
  • Publishing Date:

    1 March, 2018

  • Journal Name:

    Journal of Population Therapeutics and Clinical Pharmacology

  • Authors:

    Bernadette Safe, Annette Joosten, Roslyn Giglia

Maternal and partner prenatal alcohol use and infant cognitive development

Teratogenicity of heavy prenatal alcohol exposure is established, but uncertainty remains regarding the impact of moderate alcohol exposure on cognitive deficits in infants. Separating in utero effects from environmental confounding is a challenge for observational studies; consideration of alcohol use by partners as well as mothers may help clarify this. This study examined associations between prenatal alcohol use by both mothers and their partners and infant cognitive developmental outcomes at 12-months.
  • Publishing Date:

    23 February, 2018

  • Journal Name:

    Drug and Alcohol Dependence

  • Authors:

    Clare McCormack, Delyse Hutchinson, Lucy Burns, George Youssef, Judy Wilson, Elizabeth Elliott, Steve Allsop, Jake Najman, Sue Jacobs, Larissa Rossen, Craig Olsson, Richard Mattick.

Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder and youth justice: a prevalence study among young people sentenced to detention in Western Australia

This study aimed to estimate the prevalence of FASD among young people in youth detention in Western Australia. A multidisciplinary assessment of 99 young people (10 – 17 years and 11 months) found 89% of young people had at least one domain of severe neurological impairment and 36% were diagnosed with FASD. The findings highlight the vulnerability of young people, particularly Aboriginal youth, within the justice system.
  • Publishing Date:

    13 February, 2018

  • Journal Name:

    BMJ Open

  • Authors:

    Carol Bower, Rochelle E Watkins, Raewyn C Mutch, Rhonda Marriott, Jacinta Freeman, Natalie R Kippin, Bernadette Safe, Carmela Pestell, Candy SC Chung, Helen Shield, Lodewicka Tarratt, Alex Springall, Jasmine Taylor, Noni Walker, Emma Agiro, Suze Leitao, Sharynne Hamilton, Carmen Condon, Hayley M Passmore, Roslyn Giglia.

Cohort Profile: The Triple B Pregnancy Cohort Study: A longitudinal study of the relationship between alcohol, tobacco and other substance use during pregnancy and the health and well-being of Australian children and families

The Triple B Pregnancy Cohort Study investigates the effects of parental alcohol, tobacco and other substance use on infant development and family functioning.
  • Publishing Date:

    1 February, 2018

  • Journal Name:

    International Journal of Epidemiology

  • Authors:

    Delyse Hutchinson, Judy Wilson, Steve Allsop, Elizabeth Elliott, Jake Najman, Lucinda Burns, Anne Bartu, Sue Jacobs, Ingrid Honan, Clare McCormack, Larissa Rossen, Hannah Fiedler, Chiara Stone, Sarah Khor, Joanne Ryan, George J Youssef, Craig A Olsson, Richard P Mattick and The Triple B Research Consortium

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Acknowledgement of Country

FASD Hub Australia acknowledges Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the Traditional Custodians of Country throughout Australia, and we recognise their connections to land, water and community. We pay our respect to their elders past and present, and extend that respect to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

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