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Maternal alcohol use disorder and child outcomes

The objective of this study published in 2020 was to investigate the relationship between maternal alcohol-use disorder and multiple biological and social child outcomes, including birth outcomes, child protection, justice contact, and academic outcomes for both Indigenous and non-Indigenous children.
  • Publishing Date:

    1 March, 2020

  • Journal Name:


  • Authors:

    O'Leary C, Lawrence D, Hafekost K, Zubrick S, Bower C

Acceptability of screening for pregnancy intention in general practice: a population survey of people of reproductive age

The aim of this study published in 2020 was to gauge the planned preconception health behaviours and attitudes towards being asked about pregnancy intention by a general practitioner (GP) among people of reproductive age in Australia.
  • Publishing Date:

    20 February, 2020

  • Journal Name:

    BMC Family Practice

  • Authors:

    Hammarberg K, Hassard J, de Silva R, Johnson L

PAE and developmental programming of mental illness

This review published in 2020 will discuss the evidence that indicates low-dose and early prenatal alcohol exposure can increase the risk of mental illness in offspring and discuss the mechanistic pathways that may be involved.
  • Publishing Date:

    20 February, 2020

  • Journal Name:

    Journal of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease. 2020;11(3):211-221

  • Authors:

    Burgess DJ, Moritz KM

Acceptability of screening for pregnancy intention

The aim of this study published in 2020 was to gauge the planned preconception health behaviours and attitudes towards being asked about pregnancy intention by a general practitioner (GP) among people of reproductive age in Australia.
  • Publishing Date:

    19 February, 2020

  • Journal Name:

    BMC family practice

  • Authors:

    Hammarberg K, Hassard J, de Silva R, Johnson L

FASD: The importance of assessment, diagnosis and support in the Australian justice context

This 2020 article outlines how individuals with FASD may experience inequalities with the justice system. It focuses on why assessment, diagnosis and intervention is important and the role of health and justice professionals in promoting more equitable outcomes for individuals with FASD involved with the justice system.
  • Publishing Date:

    13 February, 2020

  • Journal Name:

    Psychiatry, Psychology and Law

  • Authors:

    Natasha Reid, Natalie Kippin, Hayley Passmore, Amy Finlay-Jones

Barriers and facilitators in antenatal settings to screening and referral of pregnant women who use alcohol or other drugs: A qualitative study of midwives’ experience

Screening pregnant women for substance use is highly recommended in antenatal care settings. Although midwives provide routine screening for substance use and referral for treatment in pregnancy, little is known about the barriers and facilitators they experience. The study explored barriers and facilitators experienced by midwives in antenatal settings to screening and referral of pregnant women who use alcohol or other drugs.
  • Publishing Date:

    1 February, 2020

  • Journal Name:


  • Authors:

    Helen Tosin Oni, Melissa Buultjens, Julie Blandthorn, Deborah Davis, Mohamed Abdel-Latif, M Mofizul Islam 

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Acknowledgement of Country

FASD Hub Australia acknowledges Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the Traditional Custodians of Country throughout Australia, and we recognise their connections to land, water and community. We pay our respect to their elders past and present, and extend that respect to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

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