I am a Canadian trained clinical psychologist with 15 years experience in delivering psychological services to children and youth with neurodevelopment disorders, including FASD, and their families. I have contributed to the multidisciplinary assessment of FASD by conducting psychological assessments of children and their families. I am well versed in cognitive, academic, and social-emotional assessments. During the process of becoming a registered psychologist in Canada, I received two years of weekly supervision from a clinical psychologist trained in the 4 digit diagnostic system of FASD assessment. I have also recently refreshed my FASD assessment training by attending a FASD diagnosis workshop with Dr Doug Shelton at the Child Development Service (CDS) on the Gold Coast. In terms of therapy, I am trained in a number of therapeutic approaches that are appropriate for supporting children and youth with FASD, including Zones of Regulation, Collaborative Problem Solving, Coping Power, social thinking and a variety of social skills training, parent management training, attachment-based interventions, and behavioural therapy.