Beaches Brain Clinic specialises in providing comprehensive cognitive assessments of learning and attention in children and adults. We provide diagnostic assessment of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder. Dr Natalie Phillips, the founder and director of Beaches Brain Clinic also works at a not-for-profit organisation, Royal Far West, where she performs cognitive (incl. IQ, attention, memory, executive functioning, adaptive functioning etc.) and psychological assessment of children with complex neurodevelopmental disorders, including Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder, as part of a multidisciplinary team. Dr Phillips previously worked as part of a specialist state-wide public FASD diagnosis and assessment service, CICADA FASD Service, at the Sydney Children's Hospitals Network. She is also involved in FASD research and advocacy; she continues to publish research on the impact of FASD on families, has presented at national and international FASD specific conferences, and has been interviewed for NOFASD Australia's podcast 'Pregnancy and Alcohol: The Surprising Reality'.