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Child Development Unit, Women's and Children's Hospital (Adelaide)

Nature of clinic

Child development unit/service

Range of health professionals at the clinic

Paediatrician, Clinical Psychologist, Speech Pathologist, Occupational Therapist, Physiotherapist

Type of services provided at the clinic

Assessment, Initial management, Limited capacity for ongoing management

Where referrals are accepted from

General Practitioners, Paediatricians, Other medical specialists, Psychologists, Allied health professionals, Child protection services, Education Departments

How the clinic bills

Medicare bulk-billed

Ages that the clinic provides services for

0 - 4 years, 5 - 11 years, 12 - 18 years

FASD experience and training

Tertiary child development service providing differential assessment for children and young people (residing within the CDU catchment area) with complex developmental difficulties, including FASD. Clinical staff within the CDU have either completed face to face or online training in the assessment and diagnosis of FASD.

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