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Bowyer Psychology

Nature of clinic

FASD assessment clinic, Private practice

Range of health professionals at the clinic

Paediatrician, Neurologist, Clinical Psychologist, Neuropsychologist

Type of services provided at the clinic

Assessment, Initial management

Where referrals are accepted from

General Practitioners, Paediatricians, Other medical specialists, Psychologists, Allied health professionals, Families, Child protection services, Education Departments, Justice Departments

How the clinic bills

Medicare plus additional fee, Fee - advised when person contacts the clinic, service or practice

Ages that the clinic provides services for

5 - 11 years, 12 - 18 years, Adults (> 18 years)

FASD experience and training

Our Clinical Psychologists and Neuropsychologists have experience supporting individuals with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) from a diagnostic and therapeutic perspective.

Dr Grace Tan has a special interest in Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD), with her doctorate thesis exploring adverse childhood experiences, offending characteristics and risk factors of justice system involvement in individuals with FASD. She has also completed numerous forensic neuropsychological assessments with justice-involved individuals with FASD as part of her clinical practice. In addition to her clinical experience, Dr Tan holds a teaching position at the University of Western Australia, where she is the unit coordinator of the Graduate Certificate in Assessment and Diagnosis of FASD.

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