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Young people with neurodevelopmental disorders are overrepresented in the youth justice system and face many disadvantages due to their impairments. This study published in 2022 investigated what factors predict and contribute to the behavior of youth justice professionals working in the Queensland (QLD) youth justice system, utilizing a behavior change wheel framework and providing helpful directions to better support young people with neurodevelopmental conditions who are involved with the QLD youth justice system.

January 2022
Journal name:
International Journal of Forensic Mental Health
Alanna Heanue, Matthew J. Gullo, Nicole Hayes, Hayley Passmore &Natasha Reid
Page last updated 18 March 2022

This research investigated the communication skills of adolescents in youth detention in Western Australia, a context in which FASD is highly prevalent and Aboriginal young peoples are over-represented.

April 2021
Kippin, Natalie Ruth
Page last updated 25 November 2021

Case commentary from 2016. It has been recognised for over a decade that Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASDs), if not identified, can result in miscarriages of justice by reason of profoundly reducing the culpability, and on occasion even the responsibility, of criminal offenders. The potential for such disorders to result in the unreliability of admissions and confessions to police (which may be vital pieces of evidence against accused persons) had also been recognised in principle. However, the decision of the Privy Council in Pora v The Queen [2015] UKPC 9 provides an authoritative legal precedent for recognition of the fact that questioning by police has the potential to yield unreliable and confabulated confessions from persons with FASDs.

February 2016
Journal name:
Psychiatry, Psychology and Law
Freckelton, I.
Page last updated 7 October 2021

Case commentary from 2017. LCM was a child of 15 whose diagnosis of FASD was not made prior to his being sentenced for manslaughter. The diagnosis arrived at by a multidisciplinary team shortly before his appeal to the Western Australian Court of Appeal in LCM v The State of Western Australia [2016] WASCA 164 resulted in a significant reduction in his sentence.

August 2017
Journal name:
Psychiatry, Psychology and Law
Freckelton, I.
Page last updated 7 October 2021

This study published in 2021 aimed to systematically review screening and assessment approaches and therapeutic interventions for young people with neurodevelopmental disorders in the youth justice system.

July 2021
Journal name:
Journal of Experimental Criminology
Lorelle Holland, Natasha Reid, Andrew Smirnov
Page last updated 5 August 2021

This book reflects multidisciplinary and cross-jurisdictional analysis of issues surrounding Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) and the criminal justice system, and the impact on Aboriginal children, young people, and their families

December 2020
Book name:
Decolonising Justice for Aboriginal youth with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
Harry Blagg, Tamara Tulich, Robyn Williams, Raewyn Mutch, Suzie Edward May, Dorothy Badry, Michelle Stewart
Page last updated 16 June 2021

In this study, we examined macrostructure and microstructure elements in the oral and written narrative texts of 24 adolescent students of a youth detention centre. The students, who were aged 14- to 17- years, were all speakers of Standard Australian English, and 11 (46%) students met criteria for language disorder (LD). The outcomes of this study were published in 2021.

March 2021
Journal name:
Journal of Communication Disorders
Kippin, N.R Leitao, S Finlay-Jones, A Baker, J Watkins, R
Page last updated 25 November 2021

The aim of this research published in 2021 was to determine the unmet workforce development needs of a regional workforce providing care and support to youth involved with the justice system. Interviews were conducted with 29 participants from 14 organisations to understand the support provided to youth, existence and uptake of referral pathways, and unmet needs.

February 2021
Journal name:
Health and Justice
Rebecca Anne Pedruzzi; Olivia Hamilton; Helena H. A. Hodgson; Elizabeth Connor; Elvira Johnson; James Fitzpatrick
Page last updated 25 November 2021

Young people with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) in Aotearoa New Zealand are both primed for, and hindered within the youth justice (YJ) system. This research published in 2020 provides a fresh perspective on how social workers can take a lead role in ensuring young people with FASD receive neurodevelopmentally appropriate interventions both within the YJ system and upon return to their communities.

August 2020
Journal name:
Aotearoa New Zealand Social Work Volume 32, Number 2, 2020
Vanessa Oatley Anita Gibbs
Page last updated 16 June 2021