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Protocol for the Yapatjarrathati project

This project aims to expand the capabilities of remote practitioners in north Queensland, Australia, where 23-94% of the community identify as First Nations people. Integrating cultural protocols with the implementation science theories of Knowledge-To-Action, Experience-Based Co-Design, and RE-AIM, remote practitioners with varying levels of experience will be trained in a co-designed, culturally appropriate, tiered neurodevelopmental assessment process that considers FASD as a potential outcome.

Publication: BMC Health Serv Res

Date: September 2019

Authors: Shanley D.C., Hawkins E., Page M., Shelton D., Liu W., Webster H., Moritz K.M., Barry L., Ziviani J., Morrissey S., O'Callaghan F., Wood A., Katsikitis M., Reid N.

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