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Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder and youth justice: a prevalence study among young people sentenced to detention in Western Australia

This study aimed to estimate the prevalence of FASD among young people in youth detention in Western Australia. A multidisciplinary assessment of 99 young people (10 – 17 years and 11 months) found 89% of young people had at least one domain of severe neurological impairment and 36% were diagnosed with FASD. The findings highlight the vulnerability of young people, particularly Aboriginal youth, within the justice system.

Authors: Carol Bower, Rochelle E Watkins, Raewyn C Mutch, Rhonda Marriott, Jacinta Freeman, Natalie R Kippin, Bernadette Safe, Carmela Pestell, Candy SC Chung, Helen Shield, Lodewicka Tarratt, Alex Springall, Jasmine Taylor, Noni Walker, Emma Agiro, Suze Leitao, Sharynne Hamilton, Carmen Condon, Hayley M Passmore, Roslyn Giglia.

Date: February 2018

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