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A modified Delphi study of screening for fetal alcohol spectrum disorders in Australia

This study assessed the perceptions among health professionals about screening for FASD in Australia. It was reported that most health professionals agreed there was need for targetted, but not universal, screening for FASD in Australia. Participants also highlighted the need for locally-appropriate, evidence-based approaches to facilitate case detection, and adequate diagnostic and management capacity.

Authors: Rochelle E Watkins, Elizabeth J Elliott, Jane Halliday, Colleen M O’Leary, Heather D’Antoine, Elizabeth Russell, Lorian Hayes, Elizabeth Peadon, Amanda Wilkins, Heather M Jones, Anne McKenzie, Sue Miers, Lucinda Burns, Raewyn C Mutch, Janet M Payne, James P Fitzpatrick, Maureen Carter, Jane Latimer, Carol Bower

Date: January 2013

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